Revelations 2.1 Patch Deployed | EVE Online

Revelations 2.1 Patch Deployed

2007-07-24 - 作者 Svarthol

The Revelations 2.1 patch has been deployed and Tranquility has returned to service. If you have an issue after the deployment, please check the Known Issues page to see if the Dev Team is already aware of it and submit a bug report. If you are unsure of what has been changed in this patch, please take a look at the Patch Notes page. You can also take a look at the announcement thread for this patch. If you wish to give feedback on the patch, please use this thread.

After the patch was deployed we put up Tranquility in VIP mode for testing purposes, this was done to make sure everything worked as intended. The testing took a bit extra time and therefore the patch deployment took a bit more than originally announced. The autopatcher was kept off until we were sure everything was as it should be. Tranquility is now open and we hope you'll enjoy the new patch!