EVE's new logging tool, LogLite, is now available | EVE Online

EVE's new logging tool, LogLite, is now available

2016-02-10 - 作者 CCP Logibro

Greetings Capsuleers,

We have been developing a new and improved log viewing application known as 'LogLite'; this replaces the decade old 'LogServer' application. We also wanted to improve accessibility of our log viewer, so in the new launcher you can access LogLite from the settings menu.

One of the motivating factors for developing LogLite was to provide a cross platform log viewer to improve the reports we get from our Mac community. LogLite has support for both Cider and Wine logging. Additionally, we have open-sourced the EVE LogLite project. If you're interested in the project, can go to GitHub: EVE LogLite and take a look.

To find out more about how to work with LogLite see the following support article: LogLite-Diagnostic-Tool.

If you have any questions or thoughts on LogLite please use the following forum thread.