Capsuleer To Celebrate New Year with 'Laser Light Show' | EVE Online

Capsuleer To Celebrate New Year with 'Laser Light Show'

2010-12-31 - 作者 Svarthol

Capsuleers of New Eden will be able to celebrate the New Year with a special 'laser light show' that capsuleer Daggaroth plans to run in Umokka at midnight on the 31st.

Daggaroth, who this year also hosted a 4th of July laser show, described plans for this New Year celebration show as being "just as bright if not more so."

The precise location of the event will be at Umokka X Moon 4, Caldari Navy Testing Facilities as New Eden Time rolls into next year.

Daggaroth hopes that capsuleers will come to his show: "We would like to invite more people to participate or just come and watch. This will be the 2nd year in a row this has occurred within Umokka."

Footage of the 4th of July celebration can be found here.

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