BREAKING NEWS: Red Alliance To Decide Its Future - Talks Under Way | EVE Online

BREAKING NEWS: Red Alliance To Decide Its Future - Talks Under Way

2009-06-19 - 作者 Svarthol

C-J6MT, Insmother - Political clashes within Red Alliance [RA] may bring the Detorid/Insmother war to an abrupt end.

Talks are under way to decide whether RA will continue to defend Insmother or retreat to safer havens. Reports indicate a shift in leadership as the cause of political unrest inside the alliance.

UaxDeath of Legions of xXDEATHXx described the atmosphere during the talks: "It's like a nuclear strike ... CEO got kicked out!"

According to White Aero of Atlas, rumors of Red Alliance's disbanding are partially true and a cease fire is already in place. He explained "We understand that they are 'reorganizing' and that some corps are leaving ... all RA pilots have been given a small window of time to [depart] Insmother with as much of their possessions as possible."

UaxDeath expects clashes against Atlas to continue in the future. He said "We'll stay and fight... [it is] hard to say how many [pilots] we have lost ... [we'll see] in a couple of days."

Interstellar Correspondents will monitor the unfolding situation and report as soon as developments become available.

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