118.5 Release To be Deployed Tomorrow - 2016-05-31 - During Extended Downtime | EVE Online

118.5 Release To be Deployed Tomorrow - 2016-05-31 - During Extended Downtime

2016-05-30 - 作者 CCP Falcon

We are happy to announce that the May release, 118.5, will be deployed tomorrow, 2016-05-31, during an extended downtime.

Downtime will begin at the usual time of 11:00 UTC, and will run for a total of 30 minutes, through until 11:30 UTC, when we expect Tranquility to be online and accepting connections.

118.5 brings a number of fixes after the deployment of EVE Online: Citadel, as well as new Multi-Use Analyzers, Upwell Consortium executive clothing rewards for those who took part in the event surrounding the construction of the first Astrahus class citadel, and Matigu "Seabeast" SKINs, which will initially form part of our promotional offers, before being released to the New Eden Store at a later date.

The Force Auxiliary skillpoint reimbursement will also occur during this extended downtime, as announced here.

You can check out more information about 118.5 and view the full patch notes via EVE Updates.