We want YOU on EVE TV at Fanfest! | EVE Online

We want YOU on EVE TV at Fanfest!

2015-02-19 - Publié par CCP Guard

Dear media-savvy space friends,

Like every year since the dawn of human history (or the part if it that matters at least), EVE TV will bring Fanfest to homes around the globe through a high quality live stream!

Minutes before going live at Fanfest 2014

On the hour we stream keynotes, panels and presentations and in between sessions we bring interesting people on set to discuss interesting things and give those of you at home a glimpse behind the scenes at Fanfest.

This year we want to try something new. We want to see if there are players coming to Fanfest who would like to host some of these segments and run interviews. We’re not looking to dump a job on you that will take up a lot of your time during Fanfest, but rather giving a select few the chance to host a short segment or two for space friends far and wide.

To apply you must be:

  • A fluent English speaker. Accents are cool, speaking in long-lost tongues might be a problem.
  • Presentable and confident
  • Burdened with deep knowledge of New Eden and the community
  • Positive and fun-loving

Big bonus points for:

  • Media or performance experience – podcasts, streaming, video making, public speaking etc.

Please submit your application to evetv@ccpgames.com before midnight on Sunday March 1st with the subject line “EVE TV Host” and we will get back to you with a yay or a nay.

Please include the following information:

  • Real name and age
  • Picture of yourself
  • Character name (main)
  • What you would optimally like to talk about on EVE TV and what ideas you have for content
  • Samples of previous work

Our floor correspondent CCP Phantom ready to brave the masses. Do you have what it takes?

Coming to Fanfest but not interested in playing host but have something important or fun to talk about or showcase? Contact us anyway with the subject line “Fanfest interview idea” and we might slot you in for an interview on New Eden’s number one TV station!

Are you watching Fanfest from home? Please jump on the comment thread and tell us what you would like to see us do and talk about on the stream. We want to make the viewing experience as great as we can for you.

We look forward to hearing from you all!

  • The EVE TV Crew