New Eden Store Weekend special: Skill extractor discount and Barghest SKIN | EVE Online

New Eden Store Weekend special: Skill extractor discount and Barghest SKIN

2017-06-02 - Publié par CCP Phantom

Enjoy our latest New Eden Store offer. Available this weekend only, from June 2nd to 5th!

  • 15% discount on single Skill Extractors
  • Waschi Uprising 'Combat' SKIN for Barghest battleships

Get single Skill Extractors with a discount of 15% during this weekend! Single Skill Extractors will cost only 119 PLEX instead the original 140 PLEX.

Additionally, you can get the rare Waschi Uprising 'Combat' SKIN for Barghest battleships for 390 PLEX. This is the first time we offer this SKIN in the New Eden Store.

Both offers are available only this weekend!

Purchasing SKINs is easy:

  • Log into EVE Online
  • Have sufficient PLEX
  • Go to the New Eden Store (press ALT+4 or use the Neocom to access the store)
  • Purchase the SKIN(s)
  • The SKINs are then available in your redeeming system