FanFest 2005 Information | EVE Online

FanFest 2005 Information

2005-04-14 - Publié par Svarthol

Missed out on the Quafe Queen crowning or a chance to be at the Quafe Launch Party at FanFest '04? Wanted to see the Exodus pre-launch or the Kali "proof of concept" demonstration, but couldn't make it to Iceland? Or did you just want to hang out with fellow EVE players and just didn't get the chance?

Drop what you are doing, tell your boss that you want to request vacation time and get ready for FanFest 2005. FanFest '05 is going to be held in conjunction with the Iceland Airwaves Festival again. The tentative dates are 19 through 23 October. Advance sales packages (US) for the Airwaves are available now and include a $100 discount if booked before 30 April. UK Package Information is also available.

FanFest '05 pricing, arrangements and events have not been finalized at this time. More information will be posted as it becomes available.