2019-11-13 - Publié par EVE Development Team

EVE Online is now officially live in the Republic of Korea, with full localization of the game client in the Korean language!

Our passionate Korean community of Capsuleers now have improved access to all essential elements of the game, which will result in more players coming into EVE Online.

Our other Asia-Pacific time zones in EVE Online - including players from Japan, Australia and New Zealand - will see a marked rise in activity and presence, which will naturally bring more content and excitement to the game at those times.

This is just the beginning as we will be constantly looking to improve and enhance the experience for our Korean players, and for all of the languages we support with EVE Online.

CCP Games is present at the enormous G-Star 2019 event in Korea to support this release, including CEO Hilmar V. Pétursson who will be giving a presentation at the event, and a selection of CCP Games developers will also attend.

The event will offer an excellent opportunity for existing and prospective Korean Capsuleers, as well as all attendees of G-Star, to get hands-on experience with the Korean version of EVE Online, including opportunities to experience elements of the game that would not normally be immediately accessible to new players.

For those of you who wish to immerse yourselves further in the Korean release of EVE Online, here are the Official Gameplay and Birth of the Capsuleer trailers in Korean!

EVE Online - Gameplay Trailer

EVE Online - Birth of the Capsuleer