Community Beat for 14 March | EVE Online

Community Beat for 14 March

2025-03-14 - Publié par EVE Online Community Team

That Friday feeling has arrived, which also occasionally means it's Community Beat Day!

We wanted to celebrate the educators in New Eden for this edition of the Community Beat as the people who help us understand the universe can sometimes go urecognised for their efforts, so we wanted to give a small thank you to those who have helped players across the universe. Learning takes many forms in New Eden, for example, videos to help educate players who have been away for an extended period of time, and you want to help them get caught up. Say no more, this video from BushidoMaru caught our attention to help with exactly that!

Or, more infographic visual examples for our visual learners from Qymm Phyton explaining which ships can activate what Cynos particular ships can use and jump to following this weeks major update:

Or Minmatar Fleet goes back to basics of reminding us about different types of (projectile) ammo. Most things in the universe have particular strengths and weaknesses to varying types of damage, and understanding what type of damage to apply can make the difference in your target getting destroyed or surviving:

However, the EVE University Wiki is one of the most commonly used resources. EVE University is celebrating a whopping 21 years of existence, and as part of that celebration, they're running a Jobs Fair on Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23, from 1800 UTC to 1930 UTC.
They've got over 2,400 members in their Discord who are students they'd really like to graduate and find new homes for. So, if you want to come along and pitch why one of their students might be interested in joining your corp or alliance in under 10 minutes, you should check them out!

EVE University is also launching "Project Firebird" - an effort to update some of the outdated wiki pages and improve navigation around their wiki. They're also adding new Community Guides (more on that later) and upgrading the tech and tools everyone uses on the site. EVE Uni fully embraces the "Better Together" concepts for their wiki, and they're looking for people to help with the project and join their Discord. So, if you're an experienced player, FC, industrialist, lore nerd, or someone who wants to help make a wiki for people in the universe to help them understand things more, check out their #wiki channel!

What's in your toolbox?

Talking about Community guides earlier, another fantastic third-party website project that just launched is the "CapsuleerKit"

It serves as a hub for some of the community's day-to-day tools and external websites and is a great recommendation to anyone starting out who wants to get up to speed with some of the tricks of the trade. I used to keep a bookmark for each of these pages separately when I needed them, but now I have the CapsuleerKit!
Not only that, but Alia Collins is also open to adding more third-party apps to the list, so if there's something you think is essential and should be added, drop them a mail in the game and let them know. I'm looking forward to learning about new and upcoming apps being used in the community here as they emerge!

Up and Coming

On the topic of up-and-coming, the next few weeks are busy with player events both in and out of the game!
This coming weekend, we have the feeder rounds of The Charity Cup 6v6 PvP Tournament, battling to see who will advance to the group stages later this month. You can catch that on Twitch this Saturday and Sunday from 1700 UTC.

Following that, going from in-game to out-of-game, we have EVE New Orleans (NOLA) on March 21 - 23.
Last year, the biggest buzz in town was joined by CCP Bee, who highly recommended the gathering for its rich cultural background and some cool EVE nerds (honestly, the first meeting with the Community team when he came back, he spoke non-stop for at least 20 minutes about it). This time, joining the Crawfish Boil will be CCP Convict, so drop by and say hello! They have Discord with all the information too!

March 29 is also another day of many events! First up, back in the United Kingdom, up in Scotland on March 29, Glasgow Dunlop is hosting another EVE Glasgow meet, a favourite meet for the locals to gather up and share some epic stories around a few pints.

Meanwhile, on the same day, from 1600 UTC, the A Band Aparts Annual Frigate Free For All will be kicking off in Amamake, where members of A Band Apart will be handing out frigates in local to encourage people to grab a ship and just go out and BLAST until 2200 UTC. In addition, the group stages of the aforementioned Charity Cup Tournament will be live on the CCPTV Twitch channel from 1700 UTC, but we'll cover these both a little more in the next edition of the community beat.

We wrap up today as well about another big event coming up - EVE Fanfest! Only 48 days away, starting on May 1.

One of the sponsored projects for Fanfest recently launched over on Justabout where we challenge the playerbase to make a video to be shown at the event, between four and eight minutes long, showing off some of the Beauty of EVE Online. It also comes with a Cash prize! The top entry gets $500, Second place gets $125, 3rd gets $75, and finally, 15 runners up will win $10! Rixx Javix recently posted his entry for the event featured above as a source of inspiration to get your creative juices flowing! Do you have what it takes to show off New Eden in all its glory? Do you see beauty where others fear to go? Then head over to JustAbout, pop in, check out the rules and enter!

That's it for this edition of the Community Beat. Fly it like you stole it!
