Bloodlines Deployment and the Power of 2 Offer

The Bloodlines patch deployment will take place on Thursday, 2 March at 1100 GMT. We are estimating a 4 hour deployment time, Tranquility should return with the new content by 1500 GMT. As always, we recommend training a long-duration skill. Patch Notes have been recently updated with some new items that were added over the weekend. You will see these new items highlighted in green.
In conjunction with the new Bloodlines deployment, we are also making the 'EVE Online- Power of 2' offer available again. This is in response to a number of player requests and to (hopefully) make up for slipping the Bloodlines release date for so long. You can read more about the Power of 2 (P^2) offer in Hellmar's newest Dev Blog.
We will be offering a grace period for players that have purchased a second account in preparation for the Bloodlines update. If you created a secondary account after 0000 GMT on Thursday, 23 February, you may 'exchange' that account for a P^2 account. To do so, you must create a P^2 account and file a petition. The GM team will review the petition, transfer character(s) from the secondary account to the new P^2 account, close billing on the secondary account and refund the amount paid. Due to the limitations of the billing system, only accounts created with credit cards can be refunded.
NOTE: The grace period is only for secondary accounts. No transfers will be made from a primary account to a P^2 account.