Account Information Phishing | EVE Online

Account Information Phishing

2005-11-08 - Publié par Svarthol

From time to time, people attempt to get steal account information from other people. Today, a new batch of fake e-mails have been hitting the inboxes of EVE players. The e-mail is as follows:

Your EVE Online account [Incident: 051111-000185]

We are contacting you because we have some problem whith you subscription details. In accordance with Eve`s Agreement your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved.

To secure your account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional information from you for the following reason

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours, your account may be subject for suspension
Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

To securely confirm your Eve`online information please click on the link bellow:


We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your account access as soon as possible. Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of time may result in further limitations on the use of your account and possible account suspension.

Best regards,
The Eve-online ! Customer Support Team

Please note a few items. First and foremost, always verify the URL that you are logging in to. Never log in to a link supplied in an e-mail. Always log in to the site through the official web page.

Second, notice the number of errors in the text of the e-mail. Although CCP Games and Siminn are Icelandic companies, we do know how to spell and grammar check e-mails before sending any out.

Finally, be cautious of petition e-mails. If you have not submitted a petition, why would the support team be sending you an e-mail with an incident number? If you have recently submitted a petition, always verify that the incident numbers match.

As with any electronic communication, common sense should always apply. If you have any doubts about the validity of an e-mail you have received, feel free to send e-mails to or

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