Twitch vs EVE 4 | EVE Online

Twitch vs EVE 4

2020-10-10 - Por CCP Dopamine


Another Streamfleet Twitch vs EVE event is imminent, and this time around, things are going to be spooky!

The Streamfleet Twitch vs EVE 4 will commence on Saturday, 31 October at 16:00 UTC and feature a fleet of EVE Online streamers led by a record of seven experienced and well-known Fleet Commanders, such as BjornBee, Greygal, iBeast, BalefulDysnomia and even our own CCP Aurora! If you are streaming EVE Online on Twitch and would like to take part in this event, you can still register here.

Over the course of the event, apart from the total destruction and a thrill of roaming, there will be interviews with various FCs, CEOs and community members with a special focus on new player friendly corporations. All rookies are encouraged to join the show to learn a bit more about what they have to offer!

This is shaping up to be a chilling performance and CCP developers, Game Masters and ISDs will also be participating and bringing along some treats for those brave enough to clash with the roaming fleets! Rumour has it there will even be some physical prizes up for grabs, thanks to the streaming community.

The event will be mainly in English, but players from all around the world are welcome to join the fun.

See you on the grid o7