Testing EVE Online Download-on-Demand - Your first steps!
Please read the following information before you log onto the test server Singularity for the first time after Download-on-Demand has been deployed.
When Download-on-Demand has been published on Singularity, you will be offered the chance to "prime your cache". This means that the launcher will extract your existing resources into the new cache-location the Download-on-Demand EVE Client uses.
While this step will eventually let you select where you want to place your resource folder, this will not be the case at first on Singularity. If you accept and let the launcher perform this conversion, the location for your resources will now be at: "C:\ProgramData\CCP\EVE\SharedCache".
There is a workaround available to Windows users, if you do not want this to be the location for your resource-cache:
- When the launcher asks you if you want to prime your cache, select “no”.
- When the launcher declares the client ready, go to the Settings-cog in the right upper corner of the launcher.
- Go to the download-tab and change the “Shared cache location:” field to the location of your choice.
- Save, and restart the launcher.
You should be aware, that doing this, you will not have converted your existing stuff files, so you will be running a “true” Download-on-Demand client. We would of course love for some of you to try this and give us your feedback!
If you do have space on your C: drive, you can also go through the priming process, and then move the SharedCache folder, while also changing the Shared Cache location setting in the launcher. This way you will not be downloading the resources, as you already have them in place.
Further information and comments can be found in this forum thread.