Official Fanfest Bar - Glaumbar - Updated with Fanfest brochure! | EVE Online

Official Fanfest Bar - Glaumbar - Updated with Fanfest brochure!

2007-10-31 - Por Svarthol

When the last speech is over and everything has been discussed at the roundtables for the day, when the last lingering Fanfest attendees are preparing to leave after a day full of events and the Fanfest starts closing for the day, the night in Reykjavik is still young!

We'd like to invite everyone to join us at the (in)famous Glaumbar for a pint of beer... or ten. If you bring your Fanfest access pass and show it at the bar you'll get a special discount on beer!

This offer is valid for the entire duration of the Fanfest, but we'd also like to invite all early arrivers to join us at Glaumbar on Wednesday evening, for a pre Fanfest beer. Glaumbar will open at 18.00 local time (GMT).

The Fanfest brochure is now available for download here. Glaumbar is marked on it so if you wish to walk you can, otherwise you might want to consider a taxi.