New to EVE API: Server Status | EVE Online

New to EVE API: Server Status

2008-11-24 - Por Svarthol

We've recently been seeing a lot of traffic on our proxy servers from non-EVE-client applications. We've also noticed that third-party programs have been displaying server statuses to their users. Both instances have resulted in an increase in proxy traffic, which risks service degradation for regular EVE Online players. To prevent this from happening, we've created a service in the EVE API which provides server status information, and we ask all third-party developers to point their applications towards this service instead.

This new service is at // and currently provides the status of the EVE Online server and the number of online players. The information is cached for 3 minutes by the EVE API. Currently it may not provide all the information the proxies provide but we plan to improve it in the coming weeks and months and we'll be looking out for your comments and suggestions.

Please keep in mind that a request to the proxies, coming from your application, may result in the player's IP being evaluated as hostile by our load balancer. The EVE API service is the recommended and only supported public access to server status information