Monthly Economic Report - January 2025

Economic Capsuleers!
The first Monthly Economic Report for 2025 is now available!
MER Changes
Added missing Revenant expansion markers.
Fixed an issue with the non-scaling axis.
Economic Summary
The mining value saw a significant increase in January, with an average daily rise of 24.8% compared to December. Meanwhile, production value experienced an uptick of 1.3%, and destruction value remained steady since September 2024.
Both ore mining and gas harvesting volumes grew in January, increasing by 7.6% and 9.2%, respectively. In contrast, ice mining volume dropped by 25.4%, attributed to the conclusion of the Winter Nexus event and Volatile Ice Storms not being available for most of January.
The end of Winter Nexus also led to a decline in Overseer Personal Effects.
The MPI rose by 7.7% compared to December (a 32.8% year-over-year increase), driven primarily by a sharp rise in Morphite prices during the first half of January.
Module and ship prices have continued to rise since October, showing year-over-year growth of 3.6% and 1.5%, respectively.
You can download all of the raw data used in this report here. Each image can be enlarged by clicking on it.

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