Live Dev Blog - EVE Fanfest 2007, Thursday, 4 October 20:00 to 21:00 GMT
This time we'll have two speakers answering your questions about the Fanfest, they are Beta and duckling and you can see them in the picture to your left. Both of them are heavily involved in planning the EVE Fanfest 2007, and they'll be able to tell you everything you wanted to know about the Fanfest. And possibly some things you really didn't want to know.
If you're new to the Live Dev Blogs here's some information: First you need to have EVE Voice active, this is currently free and can be activated through the link. Then you have to join the in game channel "Live Dev Blog" and join audio to listen in. Before the Live Dev Blog starts you can post questions in a forum thread and during the Live Dev Blog selected questions will be answered live. At this point you may feel like you want a follow up question answered and if so, you can simply write your question in the channel and our speakers will do their best to answer.
If you haven't heard anything about the Fanfest before we thought you should read up on it. First thing you should do is watch this cool teaser made from footage form the last Fanfest. This year it will be a lot bigger, but it gives you an idea of what to expect. After you do that you should check out our EVE Fanfest 2007 page. And of course, don't forget the other pages about the Fanfest such as the Capsuleer's Guide and the Sisters of EVE page and obviously our Preliminary Schedule.
So how do you participate in all of this? Apart from joining the channel and listening in? Simple, you can ask your questions about the Fanfest in this QUESTIONS forum thread just by posting! For discussions about the Fanfest we have this discussion thread. Please note that questions for the Live Dev Blog must be asked in the questions thread, any questions posted in the discussion thread won't be answered in the Live Dev Blog.
After the Live Dev Blog we will post a recording which you can download and listen to at your leisure in case you missed the Live Dev Blog or just want to hear it again.