Capsuleer Offers Support to Destroyed Theatre | EVE Online

Capsuleer Offers Support to Destroyed Theatre

2010-10-27 - Por Svarthol

Pator, Heimatar - Recently, capsuleer Borgholio offered relief in the form of ISK to The Minmatar People's Theatre to help with the reconstruction efforts after the main stage had been bombed last month as part of a protest by the Minmatar right-wing organisation Free our Families [FOF].

FOF members had claimed responsibility for destroying the stage as a reaction to the continued showing of the controversial play 'Plantation'. The Scope also reported that the theatre's director had faced death threats over the production.

Borgholio offered to donate "as much ISK as needed" to aid in any reconstruction efforts as well as placing high bounties on the heads of the culprits. He also stated that he hopes that "by actually stepping forward and doing something", he could "encourage others to do the same."

Elsebeth Rhiannon, CEO of Gradient and council member of Electus Matari commented on the matter, stating the she was "glad to hear about this effort to reconstruct the theatre" and while "uncertain whether rebuilding MPT alone will as such help turn anyone's back on the hatred", she deems it "a symbol that we, as a people, will not be quieted by threats of violence and destruction."

Rodj Blake, an Amarr capsuleer also responded: "Many people were horrified at the ferocity of attacks on the MPT. The destruction of their theatre merely demonstrates that although many Minmatars claim to be in favour of free speech, in reality they are not." Whilst looking "forward to the day that the MPT can once again perform their production of Plantation", he also fears that any support offered to the MPT would "no doubt be used as an excuse by the violent barbarians who oppose them to launch another attack.".

There has been no official word on the status of the theatre, nor of any efforts to rebuild.

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