BIG Betting: Technical Difficulties No Cause For Panic

Pilots who placed bets on Alliance Tournament VI matches through BIG experienced some concern when the "My Bets" section of the BIG site failed to update to show their bets. BIG representative Voltaire Leriel issued a public statement on GalNet yesterday assuring punters that their bets were safe.
"We are fully aware of all of your concerns and are experiencing techinal difficulties with our betting system. We're working to resolve it, and none of your bets have been lost. All the data for your bets is contained in the API and is safe and sound. All bets will be honored once we figure out what is going on.
"We apologize for any inconvenience this is causing you; we'll get it up and running properly as soon as we're able!"
At the time of publication, no further information was available on when the first round of bets will be paid out, but when an estimated date is available, the Interstellar Correspondents will keep you up to date.