Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines.

The Fifth Alliance Tournament is just about ready to go, with team captains readying their teams to start the fighting next Friday. Rumors of teams practicing on the Test Server are rife, as well as talk of attempted bribes and offers to buy valuable slots in the event.
EVE TV will be there for every single match, broadcasting everything live from our studio buried deep in CCP's basement. We're bringing our best team yet, with an exciting lineup of fresh faces as well as grizzled veterans. As a reminder, here's a list of people who are involved in bringing you the tournament:
Mike the Greek
Stoffer Ninjapirate
Stiehl Asior
Some people you'll recognize, others you may not, but we hope you'll get to know them (and maybe learn to love them) over the two weeks we broadcast.
The website is now ready to watch EVE TV on. Currently you can't tune into the stream (as it doesn't start for another week), but that grey button is what you'll be clicking on to join us in Reykjavik. You'll also see the Flash Player below it. That's where all your match reruns, as well as any specials, will be put. It has the draw on there right now, so go have a look, and see if you can spot the magical Thorax.
Loxy has reminded me that we're still taking on adverts from people. The full blurb on that is here. You still have a few days left so get them made and get them submitted.
As a final thought, here are the exact dates: 29 February and 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 March. We're hoping to start broadcasting on 29 February at 14:50 GMT.