EVE London - Epic Last Stop on the Invasion World Tour! | EVE Online

EVE London - Epic Last Stop on the Invasion World Tour!

2019-11-13 - Von CCP Dopamine

The immense EVE Invasion World Tour of 2019 is gearing up for its epic final performance at EVE London, set to take place on 23 November at Indigo at the O2 Arena! We have teamed up with EVE_NT London to put together an amazing program for our hugely passionate UK community.

With 650 tickets already sold and the event looking very likely to sell out completely, this will end up being the second largest event on the Invasion World Tour. EVE London is the longest running EVE Player gathering in the world, and this time around it will be elevated to Invasion World Tour status!

There will be an EVE Online presentation, 2019 round-ups for EVE Online and the Invasion World Tour, plenty of developers in attendance, an AMA with CCP devs, a PvP tournament, a huge party and more!

The event will open its doors at 13:00, with the EVE Invasion World Tournament starting at 13:30. Capsuleers, take note, the first 200 guests to arrive will receive a free drink!

Presentations will run from 14:30 to 19:30 on the day, with a break for dinner from 19:45 to 20:45. After that, things get even wilder with the party between 21:00 and 23:00, leading to the curfew at 00:00. Here is the full schedule:

  • 13:00 | Doors open
  • 13:30 | Tournament starts
  • 14:30 | Welcome speech
  • 15:00 | EVE Discussion led by CCP Burger
  • 16:00 | CCP AMA
  • 18:00 | Tournament Finals
  • 19:00 | Closing Ceremony
  • 20:00 | Venue closes
  • 20:00 | Aether Wars streamed at the VIP bar
  • 20:45 | Venue re-opens
  • 21:00 | DJ CCP Fleebix starts
  • 23:00 | DJ set ends
  • 00:00 | Event end

You can also check out the live stream on Twitch, where we will be going live at 14:30 . Thank you to the amazing team at Streamfleet who continue to work tirelessly in order to bring you top quality content at these events.

As mentioned above, there will be a host of CCP devs attending EVE London this year, including CCP Hellmar, CEO of CCP Games, plus CCP Burger, Creative Director of EVE Online, CCP Fozzie, Senior Game Designer and of course CCP Masterplan, Senior Software Engineer and the EVE London Meet Legend.

The full list of attending devs from the Reykjavík office is as follows:

  • CCP Burger
  • CCP Fozzie
  • CCP Masterplan
  • CCP Dopamine
  • CCP Convict
  • CCP Coyote
  • CCP Spider
  • CCP Fleebix
  • CCP Tiger Shark
  • CCP Bjorn
  • CCP Curtis
  • CCP Goodfella
  • CCP Duckling
  • CCP Zond3
  • CCP Ragnarok

And devs attending from the London office:

  • CCP Hellmar
  • CCP Mooncake
  • CCP Okie
  • CCP Kobold
  • CCP Sanban
  • CCP Young Boy
  • CCP Slick
  • CCP The Hammer

...and many more!

As if all of that was not enough, all EVE London attendees will receive the exclusive Liminal Crossings SKIN for Triglavian ships in-game, which will be the perfect preparation as we head towards the release of EVE Online's Invasion Chapter 2 expansion on 26 November! Attendees will also get a free exclusive EVE Online Invasion World Tour t-shirt.

The O2 Arena is home to the world’s most popular music, sport, entertainment and so much more. You can shop for superstar brands at ICON Outlet shopping, knock down pins at Hollywood Bowl, free jump at Oxygen or watch the latest blockbusters at London’s biggest cinema. Or you can see a different side of the city by climbing the famous roof at Up at The O2. Feeling hungry? There are many options for food and drink at the O2 Arena including Busaba, Byron, Five Guys, Gaucho, Las Iguanas, Pizza Express, Nando's and much more.

Don't miss the action from the final stop on what has been a legendary and successful journey across the globe! So, fly safe, see you in London on 23 November and prepare for Invasion!