Rhea Release Downtime Schedule Now Available!
We are happy to announce that the deployment of the Rhea release will take place on Tuesday, December 9th, 2014.
Rhea will be deployed in an extended downtime that will begin early at 10:00 UTC on Tuesday, December 9th. This downtime will last for a total of 1 hour, 15 minutes, and Tranquility will be accessible for play at 11:15 UTC.
The Rhea release brings a long list of changes to the world of EVE Online, including User Interface updates, new exploration content, 101 new wormhole systems, manual flight control, changes to cloning mechanics and a new opt in beta starmap that we're looking to gather feedback on!
For more information on the Rhea release, and to see a full list of features, take a look at the Rhea release page here, and read more about what's coming in CCP Seagull's "Coming to EVE in the Rhea release" dev blog.
For a full and detailed breakdown of changes please see the patch notes for Rhea.