Join the mass test this Tuesday, August 18 | EVE Online

Join the mass test this Tuesday, August 18

2015-08-17 - 작성자 CCP Phantom

We invite everyone to join the next mass test on our public test server Singularity on August 18th at 17:00 UTC.

For the upcoming Galatea release we are are going to test client stability (crash fixes), but we will also have another look at the module effects of remote utility modules and the new AI for behavioral NPCs. If you are interested in attending, please join us on Singularity, Tuesday, August 18th, at 17:00 EVE-time (=UTC). All participants will receive a small reward of two million skill points on Singularity.

Please refer to this forum thread for more information about how you participate in the test, and this EVElopedia article for more general information on mass testing.