Patch Notes for December 2019 Release

Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2020-01-07.1
Released On Tuesday, January 7 2020
Features & Changes:
User Interface:
- Seasonal snowflake wrecks will return to look like standard wrecks.
Seasonal Events:
- Chilling Spree ended at Downtime.
Login Campaigns:
- 13 Days of EVE ends at Downtime.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2020-01-06.1
Released On Monday, January 6 2020
Features & Changes:
User Interface:
- Added the HyperCore to the market ticker.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the HyperNet participation statistics would spoil the surprise of finished offers
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-17.1
Released On Tuesday, December 17th 2019
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where skill point crates could be sold on the market.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the LP section of the wallet would not update when receiving Loyalty Points.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-16.2
Released On Monday, December 16th 2019
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that caused right-clicking on a ship in the hangar to not bring up the drop down menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jita Trade Hub textures display incorrectly.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-16.1
Released On Monday, December 16th 2019
Features & Changes:
Login Campaigns:
- Item names are now shown in the login reward window for new players.
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed a rare problem with consuming boosters.
- Corrected the market icon for XL Disintegrators.
- Refined the icons for all Disintegrators.
- Fixed blinking decal on Yoiul Star Skin for the Astero.
User Interface:
- Addressed issue preventing Blueprints from being dragged from the market
- Fixed a problem with the search functionality in the shortcuts menu
- Fixed a problem where structure settings did not load correctly, especially for new structure profiles.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-14.1
Released On Saturday, December 14th 2019
Defect Fixes:
- Swapped the rewards from Day 3 and Day 8 of the 13 Days of EVE.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-13.1
Released On Friday, December 13th 2019
Features & Changes:
User Interface:
- Added a new Wallet setting to disable blinking on Loyalty Point changes.
Defect Fixes:
- Improved performance of the Loyalty Points panel in the wallet.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue with text clipping and overlapping in the News Window
- Fixed an issue that prevented players form viewing the Overview section of the Wallet.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-12.1
Released On Thursday, December 12th 2019
Features & Changes:
- Addresssed Issue causing errors when browsing HyperNet in Russian.
- Addressed issue causing Blueprint Icons to be inaccurate in HyperNet.
Mission & NPCs:
- Hostile Dreads no longer combat warp within Observatory Flashpoint sites.
User Interface:
- All wrecks will take the shape of snowflakes during the winter season.
Seasonal Events:
- Introducing the Chilling Spree event providing challenge that will reward skillpoints and seasonal filaments. The event will run between December 12, 2019 - January 7, 2020.
- New experimental filaments have been developed by Frontline Laboratories for the Yoiul Season in New Eden, these filaments will allow transportation to a random solar system in Null-Security space for a limited time until January 14th.
- There are nine types of filaments, that have two different characteristics each: The number of players that are transported, and whether you are transported to a completely random solar system or potentially active one (that is located in null-sec).
- Activation of these experimental filaments have the same restrictions as abyssal filaments do, with a couple of added restrictions (see below).
- Activation of the filaments works from any solar system in Known Space, or Wormhole space.
- All players must be in the same fleet to be jumped by the experimental filament, and be no more than 6000m away from the Fleet Commander.
- You cannot activate a filament if the fleet number exceeds the amount of members the filament will allow (Attributes→Maximum Ship Jump cap).
- All players in the fleet must have Partial or Disabled Safety set for the filament to activate.
- After the fleet has been transported, all players will receive a Capsuleer Log-Off Timer (15 Minutes).
- By January 14th 2020 at 11:00 EVE Time, the experimental technology will degrade all nine Yoiul filaments into Calm Abyssal Filaments.
Login Campaigns:
- Launching the 13 Days of EVE campaign, with exciting login rewards in form of seasonal crates filled with in-game goodies. The campaign will run between December 12, 2019 - January 7, 2020.
Defect Fixes:
- Improved the damage application of NPCs in the Caldari Observatory Flashpoint.
- Fixed an issue where contract deposits were not returned correctly at successful contract completion.
- Fixed an issue where rolling a wormhole caused you to spawn in warp to a random location in system
- Fixed an issue that caused the Jita Trade Hub hologram to display incorrectly.
- Retroactively providing new Skill Points items for players previously failing to claim these items while running clients in other languages than English. The new Skill Points items will be placed back in the redeeming queue.
- Improving the performance of market transactions.
User Interface:
- Fixed a problem with importing overview settings, where the appearance options were not imported correctly.
- Added a missing string for the tooltip on the safe logoff button in the ESC window.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-11.1
Released On Wednesday, December 11th 2019
Features & Changes:
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
- Blueprint icons in the HyperNet Relay will now always reflect whether the item in the offer is a Blueprint Copy, or Blueprint Original
- Resolved an issue where the drowndown menu for "Number of HyperNodes" required a doubled-click to change the focus to the Total Price input field.
- Dragging an Omega restricted skill into the training queue will no longer cause the training queue drag-and-drop functionality to stop working.
- Fixed an issue with the padding of some UI buttons, such as the 'Buy PLEX' button found in windows.
- Temporary fix that allows players, who have Corporation roles, to open their wallet.
Patch Notes For December 2019 Release - 2019-12-10.1
Released On Tuesday, December 10th 2019
Features & Changes:
HyperNet Relay:
A brand new trade network is introduced to EVE Online, called the HyperNet Relay.
- The HyperNet Relay can be found in the Neocom Menu, under Finance.
- A short introductory tutorial will be shown on the first time the HyperNet Relay is opened.
- Almost any single item can be offered for trade, there are no trading of stacks of items.
- Items being offered for trade must be located in an NPC Station (not a Structure).
- Creating a HyperNet offer requires a number of HyperCores which act as the Broker's Fee (5%) and scale depending on the total price of the offer.
- A total price of the offer must be set, and also the number of HyperNodes which can be purchased by players.
- HyperNet Offers can be specified as 'Private' which excludes them from the main browse view and can be only accessed by a direct shareable link
- All HyperNet offers are created with a duration of 3 days.
- If not all of the HyperNodes have been purchased in an offer after 3 days, the offer expires:
- The creator of the expired offer, has the item delivered back to the station it was being offered from.
- The HyperCores were the broker's fee and are not refunded back to the creator.
- All players who bought HyperNodes in an expired offer, have their transactions refunded.
- You can search for new offers through the browse tab, by refreshing the results and including specific filters.
- Filtering for offers can be done by Item type, group, location of the offer. There are also range filters for the individual HyperNode prices, and how many HyperNodes the offer is using.
- Purchasing a HyperNode can be done individually, or in bulk by using ISK.
- Once all HyperNodes have been sold for any given offer, a single HyperNode is randomly chosen and the HyperNode owner receives the item that was on offer.
- The creator of the offer, receives all sales of the HyperNodes in ISK minus a sales tax of 5%.
- JITA trade hub structure expanded.
- PKN Interstellar & HyperNet banners added to JITA station.
- Holographic visuals depicting the ongoing JITA trade hub development.
- Additional traffic around the JITA station.
- Updated collisions for JITA stations.
- Some adjustments have been made to the default overview settings, in an effort to align them more with the popular settings used in many player created overview packs and provide a more useful default for new players:
- The Velocity column will now be shown by default
- Ship type, corporation and alliance tickers have been moved before the pilot name in default bracket setup
- Broadcasted overview entries are now by default moved to the top of the overview
- The "Pilot is in your corporation" overview state has been split into 2 states: "Pilot is in your Capsuleer corporation" and "Pilot is in your Non Capsuleer corporation". In a subsequent release the "Capsuleer corporation" status will moved above the crimewatch statuses (Criminal, Suspect, -5 security) to better reflect the priorities pilots have when they have joined a player corp. NOTE: If saved overview presets from before this patch are loaded to a character after the patch the new "Pilot is in your Non Capsuleer corporation" state will start at the bottom of the list.
Structures & Deployables:
- Defenders can no longer choose a day of the week for exiting the hull reinforcement cycle. Structures will exit reinforcement at the next available hour of the defenders choosing (+/- 3 hours) after the following durations:
- Wormhole space: 1.5 days
- Low and Null security space: 2.5 days
- High security space: 4.5 days
- Updated vulnerability windows now takes 30 days to take effect (instead of 7).
- In a solar system where the Activity Defense Multiplier is above 4.0 and where an Infrastructure Hub is held by an alliance, pilots that are NOT members of that alliance will be unable to deploy medium Upwell structures (Astrahus, Athanor and Raitaru).
- The random jitter range on reinforcement exit times is increased from +/- 2 hours to +/- 3 hours.
- FW structures now may not tether in the circumstances listed below:
- A ship piloted by the attacking faction (or their ally) can never receive tether from ANY structure whilst in enemy FW space.
- A structure owned by the attacking faction (or their ally) can never provide tether to ANY ship whilst in enemy FW space.
- Ansiblex Jump Gate and Tenebrex Cyno Jammer service modules will be offlined if the structure is within 500km of another structure. (This is the conclusion of the Ansiblex anchoring range changes initiated in Beat Around the Boosh).
- A number of obsolete starbase blueprints have been converted into other blueprint types:
- Supercapital Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup L-Set Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprints
- Capital Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup L-Set Capital Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprints
- Advanced Large Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Advanced Large Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Advanced Medium Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Advanced Medium Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Large Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Moon Harvesting Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Stability I Blueprints
- Design Laboratory Blueprints become Standup M-Set Blueprints Copy Accelerator I Blueprints
- Advanced Small Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Advanced Small Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Drug Lab Blueprints become Standup M-Set Biochemical Reactor Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Experimental Laboratory Blueprints become Standup M-Set Invention Accelerator I Blueprints
- Research Laboratory Blueprints become Standup M-Set ME Research Accelerator I Blueprints
- Biochemical Silo Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- Catalyst Silo Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- Coupling Array Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- General Storage Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- Hazardous Chemical Silo Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- Hybrid Polymer Silo Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- Silo Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- Ammunition Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Ammunition Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Component Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Advanced Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Drone Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Drone and Fighter Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Equipment Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Intensive Reprocessing Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I Blueprints
- Compression Array Blueprints become Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprints
- Medium Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Basic Medium Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Reprocessing Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Asteroid Ore Grading Processor I Blueprints
- Rapid Equipment Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprints
- Small Ship Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Basic Small Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Subsystem Assembly Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Advanced Medium Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprints
- Biochemical Reactor Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Biochemical Reactor Time Efficiency I Blueprints
- Complex Reactor Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Composite Reactor Time Efficiency I Blueprints
- Medium Biochemical Reactor Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Biochemical Reactor Time Efficiency I Blueprints
- Polymer Reactor Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Hybrid Reactor Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Simple Reactor Array Blueprints become Standup M-Set Composite Reactor Material Efficiency I Blueprints
- Small Mobile Siphon Unit Blueprints become Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor I Blueprints
- Small Mobile 'Hybrid' Siphon Unit Blueprints become Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor I Blueprints
- Small Mobile 'Rote' Siphon Unit Blueprints become Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor I Blueprints
- Jump Bridge Blueprints become Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor Blueprints
- Cynosural Generator Array Blueprints become Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor Blueprints
- Cynosural System Jammer Blueprints become Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor Blueprints
User Interface:
- Added a new window for viewing all saved locations within the current system (Defaults to L).
- Adjustments have been made to the direct trade user interface:
- Ships within a proposed direct trade will now display their type name (eg. Raven) rather than their player-customized ship name (eg. Greg's Raven)
- Once an ISK amount has been added to a trade offer, the amount of ISK in the trade offer cannot be reduced. Increasing the amount of ISK in the offer is still possible. If a player accidentally enters and confirms an amount of ISK higher than they intended to offer, they can choose to close that offer window and open a new one to start fresh
- Several small UI improvements have been made to the direct trade window
- Changes have been made to the Personal Wallet which now shows an overview and breakdown of transactions.
- Market Orders are no longer shown in the Wallet, they are now contained within the finance section of the Neocom.
- A new "Log Off" button has been added in the Neocom menu
- Improvements have been made to the "Log Off" user interface in the escape menu
- The range filter in the market now always defaults to "Region" rather than defaulting to "Station" when in station
- Your orders, orders that you can sell to and orders that are in your route now have small icons to explain better what the colors mean.
- Multifit and multibuy now have icons to indicate that more useful information can be found in a tooltip
New Player Experience:
- Added overview highlights for several tasks in the tutorial
- Added icons to several UI highlights during the tutorial
- Improved the traveling lesson during the tutorial
- UI highlights now appears after Aura's dialogue box rather than simultaneously
- UI highlights have an updated, more prominent animation
- The afterburner lesson in the tutorial has been updated
- Several tasks in the overview now have instant feedback when the correct action is performed
- Some adjustments have been made to player bounties:
- Bounties can no longer be placed on characters younger than 30 days
- A "Wanted" banner will now only display on a character portrait if that character has both a bounty on their head and a security status less than or equal to -5
- The "+" button used to add bounties in show-info windows has been changed to display the word "Add"
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an audio issue where Black Ops cyno beacon deployment sound would repeaton zooming in and out
- Tied Abyssal Deadspace boundary warning to UI Sound Level audio slider and the Warning slider under Advanced Audio Settings
- Prevented Empire Selection sound from overlapping during character creation
- Prevented Probe alignment sounds from stacking
- Corrected a case where reprocessed items were sent to a wrong location.
- Fixed an issue where logged off characters could block others from taking control of a Structure.
- Fixed a loophole which allowed moving items into containers within the delivery hangar in an Upwell Structure.
- Damavik Base Invention chance adjusted to be in line with other Triglavian invention chances.
- Fixed the base VFX on the Leshak that was playing the wrong animation when the character logged in while in space
- Fixed stream of errors thrown in loglite when entering character customization
- Fixed shadow artifacts on characters
- Cloaked ships with haze-effects no longer have flickering lights under very specific circumstances
- Caroline's Star no longer disappears when docking in a structure with "View Outside" enabled
- Removed artifact inside the Panther's model
- Loading animation for character creation and the character sheet is now faster
- Confirmation check when leaving the character creator tech screen is now applied regardless of how player proceeds to the next page
- Turrets firing at objects not yet loaded into the scene will no longer seem to flicker around firing in random directions
- Fixed an animation transition Issue on the Hawk
- Loading animation for character creation and the character sheet is now faster
- Resolved Dreadnought bumping in the Observatory Flashpoint site.
- Increased the number of active Observatory Flashpoints from 1 to 2 per Invasion Foothold System
- Added distinct loot tables for associated dreadnought skills and ammo BPCs
- These now drop in both sides of the Observatory Flashpoint site at separate rates from the rest of the valuable loot.
Text & Descriptions:
- Corrected several typos, grammar errors, and inconsistent punctuation in descriptions and similar texts.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where Drones selected in the Drone Window may not persist when scrolling.
- The volume of all items is now consistently shown as decimal number.
- Added some missing groups of items to the "All" default overview filter.
- Moved the total change tooltip in the Modify Order window to avoid hiding the new price box.
- Added the Community Fittings icon to the Pointer Window.
- Corrected excessive inherited indentation of entries in group windows. For example, nested locations in bookmark group window.
- Removed the unnecessary "Launcher for Self" option from containers in the Personal Assets window.
- Broadcasted entries will always be on the top of the Overview when using the "Move entries with broadcast to top" Overview setting.
- The unavailable Echelon Blueprint has been removed from search results in the client.
Third Party Developers:
- Fixes to error handling
- Corp membership handling