Community Beat for 2 December

Greetings Space friends!
It's time again for another episode of the Community Beat! The universe has seen a plethora of events happen over the last few weeks and having to only pick a handful of them is always an incredible challenge!
Alliance Tournament XVIII – Winners and Losses!
The last community beat was published between the two tournament weekends, so the winner was still undetermined! But it all wrapped up on 20 November with the crown being awarded to the alliance TRUTH. HONOUR. LIGHT. with Odin’s Call finishing second and WE FORM V0LTA coming third! We should have an article coming out next week with a few more details concerning their prizes, so keep an eye out for that!
In case you missed it, all 4 days are also up on Youtube with timestamps to every match in the video descriptions:
- Day 1:
- Day 2:
- Day 3:
- Day 4:
This year saw the return of flagships and one of the biggest losses this tournament came from the pilot Mark Bridges who’s flagship Vindicator (pictured above) fell to the into clutches of the team that ended up finishing third - WE FORM V0LTA - clocking in at a whopping 75.6B on zKill! His final moments can be seen over on Youtube.
However, Mark decided that the loss of the teams flagship wasn’t going to be his biggest loss of the year and 3 days after the tournament also decided to go ahead and lose one of the prize ships from last years tournament: a Laelaps at a measly 236.4B ISK loss!
We’ve been in contact with the SCC and given them the heads up that when it comes to insuring this guys ships in the future that we’d recommend they send the guy with the "Big Spreadsheet"!
Rate My Snowflake!
The time of the Winer Nexus draws ever closer, the ice storms that start roaming New Eden is something that capsuleers have become accustomed to.
u/EveBabyMorgan over on Reddit is certainly getting into the festive mood and has been making Snowflakes with their kid. Whilst their kid may have rated it "meh" we rate it 11/10!
We can’t unsee the little Avatars and Wyverns inside it and will no doubt be attempting to reproduce it as part of our own decorations. Outstanding!
We come from the land down under!
Organised by Sin Alarma, CCP Larrikin attended Eve Down Under (EDU) to meet some of our Oceanic players! Rumor has it that CCP Larrikin did a small presentation at the event and one of the biggest reveals was the owners of the most exotic dancers in the AUTZ..? Some secrets shared at EDU stay at EDU!
Whilst you may have missed this year, if you are able to get to the Melbourne area we’d recommend hopping into their Discord for the next time it comes around!
The Uprising expansion featured 4 new Navy Dreads - The Revelation Navy Issue, Moros Navy Issue, Naglfar Fleet Issue and the Phoenix Navy issue. A few industrious capsuleers have noticed their potential as HAW, or High Angle Weapons platforms. High Angle Weapons, for those who aren't familiar are essentially capital sized weapon turrets (XL) comprised of battleship sized (L) weapons, so their application to subcapital vessels is pretty good!
KhanPass01 Milehere of the Alliance "Covert Otters Venture Into Darkness" did a video of his most recent venture in a Phoenix Navy Issue, where at the end of engagement he contributed towards over half of the 116 ships destroyed in an engagement. Sure, they may have come out technically ISK negative, but the absolute death toll was something to behold! Checkout the video below:
No man could truly tame a wolf!
Renowned illustrator Rixx Javix also impressed us recently with his latest range of Assault Frigate illustrations - we felt the Wolf in particular was stunning and deserved a little featuring of it its own! You can pick up a print for yourself over on his website.
Eve Partner Shoutout - iBeast
We usually like to do a shoutout to an Eve Partner in the community beat and this time we’d like to give a shoutout to iBeast. During the recent Alliance Tournament he and CCP Alpha broadcasted the tournament for our Russian speaking audiences!
Not only that he recently also hit 50,000 subscribers over on his Youtube channel! A monumental achievement, well done!