Patch Notes - Version 20.09

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 20.09). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2022-10-11
Last update: 2022-11-03
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by player's feedback or suggestions.
RELEASES: 2022-10-11.1 | 2022-10-12.1 | 2022-10-13.1 | 2022-10-18.1 | 2022-10-20.1 | 2022-10-25.1 | 2022-10-27.1 | 2022-11-01.1 | 2022-11-03.1 | NEW |
Patch Notes For 2022-11-03.1
Features & Changes:
The unstable stellar energies unleashed by the cataclysm in Turnur are beginning to affect capsuleer vessels within the system. The disaster also appears to have had a destabilizing impact on local space, increasing wormhole activity.
A new effect now applies to all ships within the Turnur system:
- -20% Sensor Strength
- -20% Targeting Range
- -20% Scan Resolution
- +20% Warp Speed
Significantly larger numbers of wormhole connections are appearing to and from the Turnur system
Due to the destruction of the Turnur Stellar Transmuter, Stellar Observation Data Hub sites are no longer spawning within the Eugidi constellation.
Patch Notes For 2022-11-01.1
Features & Changes:
- Due to the apparent destabilization of the nearby star, the Turnur I - Republic Parliament Bureau station has been evacuated of all non-essential personnel. The station is still open to capsuleer docking but most of its services will be unavailable as the station is currently reduced to a skeleton crew.
- The massive Caldari and Gallente military buildups appear to have been completed within Samanuni, Amygnon, and nearby systems.
- Aura's guidance is now localized in Spanish for the Spanish client.
- The Crimson Harvest event has ended for this year. We hope you enjoyed the spooky festivities!
- Added Spanish localization to all remaining agents and missions, including the Sisters of EVE mission.
Patch Notes For 2022-10-27.1
Features & Changes:
- The vast empire fleets forming in the Samanuni and Amygnon systems appear to be nearly complete.
Patch Notes For 2022-10-25.1
Features & Changes:
- The DBS thresholds are now reduced and the system DBM will be more reactive.
- The minimum output of the DBM is increased to 100% from 50%.
- The minimum output of the DBM is now set as 110% temporarily.
Changes will take place during the DBS updates, so solar systems with Bounty Risk Modifiers below the floor may take some time to adjust.
- The number of Crimson Harvest event sites spawning across New Eden have been increased significantly.
- The Caldari State and Gallente Federation are continuing to develop extensive military infrastructures within the Samanuni and Amygnon systems respectively.
- Added further Spanish localizations for UI, notifications, tool tips, and some missions.
Patch Notes For 2022-10-20.1
Features & Changes:
The Crimson Harvest has begun! This Blood Raiders themed event runs until downtime on the 1st of November.
- Limited time combat and hacking sites are appearing all over Highsec, Lowsec, Nullsec, and W-space, belonging to the opposing forces of the Blood Raider Covenant and the Order of St Tetrimon.
- Crimson Gauntlet and Tetrimon Base combat sites can be found in most areas of space. These sites should be approached with caution, and capsuleers are advised to fly a battlecruiser, battleship, heavy assault cruiser, or even more powerful vessels if they wish to investigate these locations. Rewards for looting the battleship NPCs found at the end of the sites include items that can be traded for isk, skins, boosters, clothing and more!
- Crimson Harvest Network Node and Tetrimon Network Node data sites are also appearing across New Eden. These hacking sites contain network node structures that can be accessed for more great rewards!
- The Blood Raiders are capitalizing on the chaos erupting from the intense fighting over the ownership and research of the Stellar Harvesters, and are setting up more advanced bases in the warzone, Tetrimon loyalists are also deploying in the area to match their forces.
- These advanced versions of the combat and hacking sites can only be found within the areas containing the most heated fighting between Blood Raider and Tetrimon forces: the Blood Raider controlled systems within the Delve region and within the Eugidi, Angils and Hed constellations. These advanced sites are rarer and more challenging than the standard versions of the sites but they provide much greater rewards. Bringing a friend or two helps reduce the risk immensely, but beware of other capsuleers who may be searching for the same loot!
- The most elusive and valuable strongholds of the Blood Raiders and Order of Tetrimon can only be found by obtaining a rare escalation from the advanced combat sites.
- Be on the the lookout for Blood Raider Altars! These highly dangerous, brand new capital sites are designed for a dreadnought or a fleet of multiple capsuleers to complete.
Both the Blood Raiders and the Order of Tetrimon are willing to reward capsuleers who attack their foes. Each character can choose between two options for the Agency challenges and reward track for this event. You will receive points for shooting the opposing side to the one you choose in the agency, and you will receive a reward track themed around your chosen faction. Be aware that although you will only receive agency challenges and points for shooting the opposing side to the one you chose, there is no penalty for shooting both sides and taking the loot from both their sites.
- During the Crimson Harvest a special set of login rewards are available each day that players log into the game. These rewards include new skins, new fireworks, new limited time boosters, and hundreds of thousands of skill points!
- Trick or Treat! During the Crimson Harvest all player ship explosions will have an increased loot drop rate, with an average of 90% compared the normal average of 50%. Player wreck icons have also changed to reflect the season.
- A special Crimson Harvest themed Abyssal Proving Ground will start on the 28th of October and runs until the 31st of October. This event features a 4-player T1 Frigate, Meta 0 Free-For-All format, with a special set of bonuses to webifier range, energy warfare strength and turret damage that lets every frigate harness the power of a Blood Raider ship!
- The Caldari State and Gallente Federation are continuing to develop extensive military infrastructures within the Samanuni and Amygnon systems respectively.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue with the Air Career Program help pointer.
Patch Notes For 2022-10-18.1
Features & Changes:
- The Totality Day event has ended, and warp speeds and pvp loot drop rates have returned to normal in Pochven.
- Added text in French, German, Russian, Japanese, and Korean.
- More EVE types and descriptions localized in Spanish.
- The Caldari State and Gallente Federation are continuing to develop extensive military infrastructures within the Samanuni and Amygnon systems respectively.
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to open the Tranquil Abyssal Filaments Crate.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue that caused the Neocom to not load correctly.
- The Delete and Arrow keys now work correctly on Mac.
Photon UI:
- Opening and closing a window that's in a stack no longer causes the button indicator to become stuck.
Patch Notes For 2022-10-13.1
Features & Changes:
The Triglavian Totality Day event has begun! This event celebrating the second anniversary of the creation of Pochven will run until October 18th.
- Special Totality Day gifts are available for logging in daily during the event, including skill points, boosters, and filaments!
- Pilots exploring the Triglavian region will enjoy a +2 au/s warp speed bonus and 90% pvp loot drop chance within Pochven during the event.
- Prove yourself in PVP combat this weekend with a special 24 hour Totality Day 1v1 Kikimora proving ground event that starts at downtime on October 15th and ends at downtime on October 16th. Pilots within this proving ground will receive bonuses to turret damage, hitpoints, and overheating effectiveness. A special repeatable challenge will provide competitors 10 million ISK for each match where they deal at least 2000 damage to their opponent, win or lose!
Thanks to the successful effort and organization of Caldari-aligned pilots participating in the ongoing Faction Campaign, a new stargate connection has been constructed between the Samanuni and Athounon systems.
- Although the Caldari stargate has been completed, for the next several weeks the State will continue paying loyalty tokens to Capsuleers who return Dense Polycrase ore to their processing facility beside the new stargate in Athounon.
- The stargate construction event is ongoing and Gallente pilots still have time to complete their goal!
The Caldari State and Gallente Federation have continued their buildup of vast military infrastructure within the Samanuni and Amygnon systems respectively. As part of this buildup, new Navy Anchorage stations have been opened for Capsuleer use above the planets of Samanuni VI and Amygnon III. These new stations do not yet have their industry or capsuleer corporate office facilities online yet, but those facilities will come as the last elements of construction in and around the station completes.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where you were unable to pick items during the Pick Items step of the Create Contract flow.
Patch Notes For 2022-10-11.1
Features & Changes:
- Many more types and descriptions have been translated to Spanish as a part of our ongoing Spanish localization.
Patch Notes For 2022-10-11.1
Features & Changes
Defect Fixes
- Audio
- Gameplay
- Graphics
- Localization
- New Player Experience
- Technical
- User interface
- Air Career Program
- Photon UI
Features & Changes:
A new faction campaign has launched: The Gallente Federation and Caldari State are both attempting to develop new technology derived from the Triglavian occupied storm planet of Athounon V, as well as from mysterious Triglavian Relay Caches which have started appearing in the Serthoulde constellation.
- Control of the system of Athounon will provide research points to the faction currently occupying it through factional warfare.
- Players can find these sites using scanner probes in the Serthoulde constellation, although be wary, as soon as a player warps to a captured relay data site they will become visible on the overview to all capsuleers in the system!
- The Triglavian Relay data sites will only allow Tech 1, Navy and Pirate frigates to enter, and will belong to the faction that currently controls the system through factional warfare occupancy. The owning faction will have NPC guards that will attack any capsuleer not aligned to their militia, additionally, neutral players not in factional warfare will receive a suspect timer if they enter the site. The valuable data containers housed within the site contain coveted encrypted Triglavian relay data and can be accessed with Data Analyzer modules.
- Players can support the Caldari State by bringing the Encrypted Relay Data to their laboratory in the Samanuni System, and the Gallente Federation by bringing the data to their laboratory facility located in Amygnon. Players will be rewarded by each faction with loyalty tokens for doing so.
🤝 Ship Maintenance Array restrictions have been adjusted and relaxed to improve quality of life.
- Players can now store ships which contain deployables, modules, rigs and mobile warp disruptors.
- This change also applies to the Frigate Escape Bay of Battleships.
- Your escape frigate can now have items like mobile depots, cloaks, probe launchers, and other options inside!
🤝All Battleships that had an assembled volume above 470,000m3 have been reduced to 470,000m3.
- This means that Carriers, Dreadnoughts and FAXs can always hold 2 Battleships, and 2 Frigates in the bay.
- Added localized client text in Russian, French, German, Japanese, and Korean.
- 🤝Added more types and descriptions have been translated to Spanish client.
- The Salvage Drone Specialization skill is now available at all empire NPC school stations for 10 million ISK.
- The ML-EKP 'Polybolos' Ballistic Control System now has a meta level of 8.
Missions & NPCs:
- Alexander Ducasse is now the CEO of the InterBus Corporation.
- After 2 mass tests and lots of player feedback, we have released the new sound prioritization engine for EVE Online! This update dramatically reduces the CPU used by audio in EVE and makes the soundscape much clearer, especially in fleet fights. A special thank you to everyone who joined a mass test and gave us feedback. You can find more information in the devblog here.
- EVE Online now natively supports Variable Refresh Rates! If you have a Freesync or G-Sync capable system, then it will be automatically enabled. This update also resolves issues that caused EVE to have problems with V-sync being disabled, due to the OS and some graphic card control panels forcing it to be enabled. You can find more information in the devblog here.
- There has been major refactoring in how we handle controllers for ships, which improves performance. This is most noticeable when many ships are rendered at the same time, like in fleet fights. The memory usage of the client is also significantly improved in these cases. Our internal testing with 1000 ships in our "Cube of Death" scene has an approximate 1.5GB RAM reduction. We’ve also improved how long it takes for the client to load and unload ships, which gives a smoother gameplay experience.
- Removed the "Resource Cache" option from settings, as it now defaults to being enabled for all players. It has been set to "enabled on" on new installs for a long time, as it can give a much better experience with very little extra RAM being used.
- Renamed "Interval" setting to "V-Sync On / Off", because we should totally use the same terminology as every other game. The options for different "Intervals" have also been removed, as these often misbehaved and could cause problems with Variable Refresh Rate environments.
User Interface:
- Photon UI is entering its Beta phase by going opt-out. This vital step will help collect data on what works and what doesn't, meaning that Photon UI can become the best version of itself. You can still opt out for now, but please do share your reasoning for doing so on the EVE forums to help everyone!
- As part of Photon UI's style unification, the NeoCom has now been converted over into the Photon design language, with improvements to layout and notifications.
- Added the ability to set a shortcut key for the Frigate Escape Bay in the main menu.
Defect Fixes:
- The sound for locking a target is now playing again each time.
- Sounds in character creation are now playing again reliably.
- Fixed a defect which prevented the additional sleeper waves from spawning in Class 4 Relic and Data sites in wormhole space.
- Fixed a defect which caused some LowSec combat hacking data sites to not despawn correctly.
- Fixed an issue with containers jettisoned across grid borders causing items not being removed correctly from inventory.
- NPC Mining Operations (Diamond Rat NPC Miners) will no longer mine Polycrase and Moissanite ore.
- The Frostline 'Clavicula' Integrated Analyzer Blueprint now uses the correct 'hybrid analyzer' icon.
- Fixed a number of faction wrecks to show correct textures.
- The client no longer reloads all windows (and breaking some in the process) when clicking "No" when being asked to confirm to change the client language.
- Chat windows are no longer breaking in localized clients, when the localization setting for "Important Names" is being changed.
New Player Experience:
- Mining Upgrades module will now be highlighted when told to online it in the AIR NPE.
- Improved guidance while viewing and moving items between inventory locations in the AIR NPE.
- Improved guidance while travelling to/from the mining site in the AIR NPE.
- Corrected various text issues in Enforcer Career Agent missions.
- Set Destination button highlights will no longer linger during Enforcer Career Agent missions.
- Training Containers in hacking tutorial sites have had their reset timer increased to 60 seconds.
- Improved the frame rate during the death scene.
- Cleaned up various log error spam.
User Interface:
- Update Prophecy Navy Issue traits tab to correctly reflect Ship Bonuses.
- You can now resize the Edit Alliance window.
- The little checkbox icons in the Probe Scanner filter menu no longer block the filter from being toggled when clicked.
- Restoring a window stack that's being minimized no longer prevents the stack from being properly restored again.
Air Career Program:
- "Deliver the final blow" objective in the Air Career Program now correctly counts progress to character with the final blow instead of top damage.
- The Claim Reward button for the Air Career Program does no longer stay on the screen after reward has been claimed.
- "Killing 75 enemies with a Destroyer" in the Air Career Program will now correctly count progress for Commander and Tactical Destroyers.
Photon UI:
- The Solar System Map button in the Probe Scanner and Directional Scanner windows now use the same icon.
- The Launch button for the Drones in Bay group in the Drones window no longer overlaps the window top-right menu while in compact mode.
- The description field in the Edit Alliance window no longer overflows the window.
- Changed the HUD's speed meter text from black to white, this makes it much easier to read.
- The 'Filters are applied to the results' text is no longer cut off in the Regional Market.
- The Approve and Reject buttons on the Fleet join request window no longer overlap the players name.
- Fixed an issue that prevented being able to launch Structures and Deployables by dragging them out of Inventory window.
- The 3DConnexion Spacemouse section in the Settings menu is no longer overlapped by other elements.
- Made it more visible when you have been invited to a Corporation.