2 for 1 Sale Live Now!

Ambitious Capsuleers!
From 26-30 May, you can take advantage of a 2 for 1 offer on both Skill Extractors and Alpha Injectors!
With a Skill Extractor applied to your account, you can take existing Skill Points from a character, and then re-assign them elsewhere. If you’ve traveled down a training path that no longer serves your goals, you can use these Extractors to quickly catch up elsewhere.
Alpha Injectors, on the other hand, make it easy to quickly apply 50,000 Skill Points to your Alpha pilot of choice. It’s the perfect way to speed up your training goals, and get your new career off to a faster start!
Both Skill Extractors and Alpha Injectors are available to buy from the EVE Store.
Make sure you stock up on twice as much for the same price before the offer ends on 30 May!