Patch Notes - Version 20.03

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 20.03). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2022-03-08
Last update: 2022-03-28
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by player's feedback or suggestions.
RELEASES: 2022-03-08.1 | 2022-03-09.1 | 2022-03-10.1 | 2022-03-15.1 | 2022-03-16.1 |  2022-03-18.1 | 2022-03-22.1 | 2022-03-28.1 NEW |
Patch Notes For 2022-03-28.1
Defect Fixes:
- Restoration of Bounty Risk modifiers of systems has begun due to a short outage which lead to some of them having drifted from their correct states. This takes place gradually over the next day.
- The DBS modifier of those systems will be set to the highest multiplier it was at in the past two months.
Patch Notes For 2022-03-22.1
Features & Changes:
- The billboard video for the Stay Frosty Frigate Free 4 All event has been removed from rotation now that the event has completed successfully last Saturday. Thanks to the organizers and to everyone who dropped by to join in the fun!
Defect Fixes:
New Player Experience:
- UI highlights will now correctly appear regardless of client language settings.
- Restarting the client will no longer cause guidance to be lost or stuck while en route to the Career Agent station.
- After restarting the client the reflection settings should now accurately reflect what you had selected.
Patch Notes For 2022-03-18.1
Defect Fixes:
Mac client: Improved the reliability of moving the camera and dragging windows, especially with trackpads.
Mac client: Ensured that the launcher downloads the initial set of resources for a smoother gameplay experience after patching.
Patch Notes For 2022-03-16.1
Features & Changes:
- The current Mining Blitz event has ended. The Empire mining expeditions will return in more events in the future.
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed and issue that was preventing Asteroid, Gas and Ice sites not correctly respawning. We located a 'misplaced' ORE Researcher for this, he was heard mumbling "Please, Bob, let this be the one"
Patch Notes For 2022-03-15.1
Features & Changes:
- New content is localized into French, German, Japanese, Korean and Russian
Defect Fixes:
- Addressed an issue with Brimful Sylvite and Pollucite not compressing correctly.
- Flipped all stations, so that the hangar traffic is showing correctly in the Intel Mac client.
- Readjusted stargates, so that jump tunnels are showing properly in the Intel Mac client.
- Fixed an issue with Fleet Compression Logistics skill not applying bonuses to Capital Compression modules.
User Interface:
- Updating the Venture fittings recommended in Corporation plans in Alpha Miner and Omega Miner
Patch Notes For 2022-03-09.1
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with new Compression Skills not being available to inject through character sheet or purchaseble on the market.
- Fixed an issue that could result in the Compression window become deadlocked if materials were added while the window was updating.
- Pressing the Enter key now correctly completes a purchase or buy order.
- Completed the clean up of extraneous particle effects in the mining scene of the NPE.
- Fixed blue blobs that appeared when looking at the Dramiel wreck at specific angles.
- Dynamic reflections are now properly displayed in all hangars at appropriate settings.
- Toned down reflections that were too bright at the undock of some stations.
User Interface:
- Bookmark names no longer overlap with arrows in the context menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Market scroll list to be offset.
- Corrected some errors in Mining Blitz text strings that had not been updated in languages other than English
New Player Experience:
- Warping or docking while being told to warp to the mining site no longer causes guidance to be lost.
- Guidance will not longer be missing during the Career Path Skill Plan introduction if the client is set to a language not using the Latin alphabet.
- Skipping the NPE will no longer have some windows fail to open after relogging the client.
- The camera moment while the AIR fleet arrives will no longer by incorrected synced.
- Decreased delays when progressing through the first Station stop with poor network conditions.
- The skills introduction will no longer become stuck if the training queue is blocked by the Multiple Character Training restriction.
- You can no longer trade items to characters still within the NPE.
Patch Notes For 2022-03-09.1
Features & Changes
A Mining Blitz event has begun and will run until downtime on March 16th!
- Empire Mining Expedition sites are appearing in the following constellations for the duration of the event:
- Aeman (Sinq Liason)
- Osnins (Everyshore)
- Almur (Molden Heath)
- Aptetter (Metropolis)
- Pezarba (Kador)
- Hoosa (Domain)
- Mivora (The Forge)
- Santenpaa (The Citadel)
- New Freighter skins have been added to the Resource Wars loyalty point stores for all four empires
- A set of mining daily challenges will reward miners with skill points each day during this event
- An agency reward track is active for the duration of this event, providing special mining boosters as rewards for players who assist the empires in the mining expedition sites
- Daily login gifts are available during this event, including a free Mining Blitz Expert System, mining boosters, and skill points!
- Look for a special 4-player Venture FFA proving grounds event from March 12-14, with massive bonuses to turrets and overheating for exciting Battle-Venture action!
Defect Fixes
- Static exploration sites can be scanned again properly.
- Added new Compressor Module blueprints to Empire Navy Markets.
- Clean up of extraneous particle effects.
- Fixed red blobs that appeared when looking at the Dramiel wreck at specific angles in the NPE.
Patch Notes For 2022-03-08.1
Features & Changes
- Audio
- Balancing
- Graphics
- Localization
- Market
- Modules
- Science & Industry
- Ships
- Skills
- Structures & Deployables
- User Interface
- New Player Experience
Defect Fixes
- Updated Wwise audio engine to the latest version.
- Added music and sound effects for the NPE Mining Adventure. It slaps.
- Default audio level for world sounds increased by 2-3db
Ship Balancing:
🤝 Brand new Role bonuses have been added to all battleships (excluding the Praxis).
- 50% bonus to HP from all Armor Plates
- 100% bonus to HP from all Shield Extenders
- 5% additive bonus to all Reinforced Bulkhead modules, for those with discerning tastes.
Module Balancing:
🤝 Following the 2020 balancing update "Surgical Strike" we have rebalanced:
- All resistance modules affected by the Surgical Strike update have had half of the resistances they lost returned.
- Energized plating, armor coating, armor hardeners, shield hardeners and shield resistance amps.
Module | Before Surgical Strike | Post Surgical Strike | New |
EM Energized Membrane I | 32.5% | 26% (27.77% after tiericide) | 31.24% |
EM Armor Hardener I | 50% | 40% | 45% |
EM Shield Hardener I | 50% | 40% | 45% |
EM Shield Amplifier I | 32.5% | 26% | 29.25% |
Large Micro Jump Drive fitting reduced:
- PG need reduced to 800 MW, previously 1375 MW.
- CPU need reduced to 54 tf, previously 77 tf.
Item Balancing:
Bomb Damage Increased (to compensate for the resist module stat increase):
- Bomb base damage increased to 5800, previously 5200
- Bomb Armor HP increased to 88, previously 75
- Reflection Maps updated to include local structures and effects in addition to celestials and the nebula.
- Improved texture quality of asteroids.
- Added localized text for French, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and German to new content.
- The Industrial Reconfiguration skill, to unlock use of Orca's industrial core modules has been added to the NPC markets for all 12 schools.
- These are starter Corporations such as Center for Advanced Studies, Science and Trade Institute, Imperial Academy, Republic University.
- New Medium Industrial Core I & II for the Porpoise have been added.
Tech 1 - Fitting & Attribute Details
Fitting Details:
Slot layout | Requires a high power slot |
CPU usage | 33.0 tf |
Powergrid | 53.0 MW |
Attribute details:
Attribute | Value |
Structure Hitpoints | 99,999 HP |
Maximum Velocity Bonus | -100% |
Drone Damage and Hitpoint Bonus | 24% |
Drone Maximum Velocity Bonus | 5% |
Drone Ore Mining Yield Bonus | 20% |
Drone Ice Harvesting Speed Bonus | -18% |
Mining Foreman Burst Strength Bonus | 5% |
Command and Mining Foreman Burst Range Bonus | 45% |
Volume | 3,500 m3 |
Remote Repair Impedance Bonus | -100% |
Disallow Tethering | True |
Disallow Docking | True |
Shield Booster Duration Bonus | -15% |
Sensor Dampener Resistance Bonus | -75% |
Remote Assistance Impedance Bonus | -80% |
Activation time / duration | 75.00 s |
Mass multiplier | 10 x |
Consumption Type | Heavy Water |
Consumption Quantity | 125 units |
ECM Resistance | 100.00 % |
Shield Booster Amount Bonus | 10 % |
Disallow Activation In Warp | True |
Can be fitted to | Porpoise |
Tech 2 - Fitting & Attribute Details
Fitting Details:
Slot layout | Requires a high power slot |
CPU usage | 50.0 tf |
Powergrid | 80.0 MW |
Attribute details:
Attribute | Value |
Structure Hitpoints | 99,999 HP |
Maximum Velocity Bonus | -100% |
Drone Damage and Hitpoint Bonus | 30% |
Drone Maximum Velocity Bonus | 10% |
Drone Ore Mining Yield Bonus | 50% |
Drone Ice Harvesting Speed Bonus | -35% |
Mining Foreman Burst Strength Bonus | 7.50% |
Command and Mining Foreman Burst Range Bonus | 60% |
Volume | 3,500 m3 |
Remote Repair Impedance Bonus | -100% |
Disallow Tethering | True |
Disallow Docking | True |
Shield Booster Duration Bonus | -15% |
Sensor Dampener Resistance Bonus | -80% |
Remote Assistance Impedance Bonus | -80% |
Activation time / duration | 75.00 s |
Mass multiplier | 10 x |
Consumption Type | Heavy Water |
Consumption Quantity | 250 units |
ECM Resistance | 100.00 % |
Shield Booster Amount Bonus | 15 % |
Disallow Activation In Warp | True |
Can be fitted to | Porpoise |
- Medium Gas/Asteroid Compressor I have been added.
Fitting & Attribute Details
Slot layout | Requires a high power slot |
CPU usage | 20.0 tf |
Powergrid Usage | 50.0 MW |
Attribute | Value |
Volume | 500m3 |
Compressible Items | Gases/Asteroid Ores |
Activation time / duration | 60.00 s |
Activation Cost | 100.0 GJ |
Optimal Range | 44.00 km |
Can be fitted to | Porpoise |
- Large Gas/Ice/Mercoxit/Moon Ore/Asteroid Ore Compressor I have been added.
Fitting & Attribute Details
Slot layout | Requires a high power slot |
CPU usage | 50.0 tf |
Powergrid Usage | 50.0 MW |
Attribute | Value |
Volume | 1000m3 |
Compressible Items | Gases/Ice/Mercoxit/Moon Ores/Asteroid Ores |
Activation time / duration | 60.00 s |
Activation Cost | 200.0 GJ |
Optimal Range | 83.00 km |
Can be fitted to | Orca |
- Capital Gas/Ice/Mercoxit/Moon Ore/Asteroid Ore Compressor I have been added.
Fitting & Attribute Details
Slot layout | Requires a high power slot |
CPU usage | 50.0 tf |
Powergrid Usage | 100000.0 MW |
Attribute | Value |
Volume | 2000m3 |
Compressible Items | Gases/Ice/Mercoxit/Moon Ores/Asteroid Ores |
Activation time / duration | 60.00 s |
Activation Cost | 1500.0 GJ |
Optimal Range | 144.00 km |
Can be fitted to | Rorqual |
The attributes Mining Residue Volume Multiplier and Residue Probability have been added to the following modules with a value of zero for each attribute.
- 'Habitat' Miner I
- 'Wild' Miner I
Science & Industry:
An major update to resource compression has been made available.
Compression Gameplay:
- Compression is now a more social ability. Industrial command ships (Rorqual, Orca and Porpoise) now have access to a new range of modules which will allow for all nearby fleet-mates to be able to instantly compress their own harvested resources.
- The ability given to fleet-mates to remote compress resources is available at long ranges – over 200 km is possible.
- As frequently requested, gas and moon ore resources are now compressible using these new modules.
- The Porpoise can now compress gas and asteroid Ore, and both the Orca and Rorqual can compress all resources - gas, ice, asteroid ore, and moon ore.
- Gas Decompression is now available in upwell structures via the Standup Reprocessing Facility. Compression continues to be loss-less.
- The capacity of jetcans has been doubled from 27,500m3 to 55,000m3 to make it easier for high-volume miners and haulers to work together more efficiently.
New Blueprints:
New fleet-support compressor module blueprint originals are now available for purchase on the NPC Market.
- Can be found at all Empire Navy stations
- Caldari Navy
- Republic Fleet
- Amarr Navy
- Federation Navy
Size | Compressable Resource |
Medium | Gas, Asteroid Ore |
Large | Gas, Ice, Mercoxit, Moon Ore, Asteroid Ore |
Capital | Gas, Ice, Mercoxit, Moon Ore, Asteroid Ore |
New Medium Industrial Core I blueprint original is now available for purchase on the NPC Market.
- Inventable to Tech 2.
- Can be found at all Empire Navy stations
- Caldari Navy
- Republic Fleet
- Amarr Navy
- Federation Navy
An update to the mechanics of residue and yield involved with mining has been made.
- 🤝 Mining yield is now removed from the resource prior to mining residue being removed.
New Items
Older compressed resources are now called "Batch Compressed" resources indicating the older compression method that was used.
- Compressed variations of Moon Ore are now available at a ratio of 100:1
Prefix | Ore Type | Rarity |
No Prefix, Brimful, Glistening | Bitumens, Coesite, Sylvite, Zeolites | Ubiquitous |
No Prefix, Copious, Twinkling | Scheelite, Euxenite, Cobaltite, Titanite | Common |
No Prefix, Lavish, Shimmering | Chromite, Otavite, Sperrylite, Vanadinite | Uncommon |
No Prefix, Replete, Glowing | Carnotite, Cinnabar, Pollucite, Zircon | Rare |
No Prefix, Bountiful, Shining | Loparite, Monazite, Xenotime, Ytterbite | Exceptional |
- Compressed Abyssal Ore are now available at a ratio of 100:1.
Prefix | Ore Type |
No Prefix, Abyssal, Hadal | Bezdnacine, Rakovene, Talassonite |
- Compressed Gas is now available at a ratio of 10:1
- New "Compressed" variations of all types of Mykocerosin, Cytoserocin and Fullerites have been added.
Compressed Asteroid Ore has been updated
- New compression ratio is now 100:1
- Batch Compressed asteroid ore is no longer able to be created, but can still be traded and refined.
Compressed Ice has been updated
- New compression ratio is now 10:1
- Batch Compressed ice is no longer able to be created, but can still be traded and refined.
- Now has a fuel bay with a capacity of 4800 m3
- New bonuses have been added:
- Per Industrial Command Ship skill level:
- 5% reduction in drone ice harvesting cycle time
- 10% bonus to drone ore mining yield
- Per Industrial Command Ship skill level:
- Orca fuel bay increased to 6400 m3
- The 5% bonus to Mining Foreman Burst range has now been made visible on the Traits tab for the ship.
- The 5% bonus to Mining Foreman Burst range has now been made visible on the Traits tab for the ship.
- 🤝 The Epithal now has a Command Center bay available with a capacity of 6000 m3. That is large enough to haul 6 command centers.
Shipboard Compression Technology
- This skill enables shipboard operation of ORE's new materials compression technology. Each level unlocks specialized compressor modules for use on subcapital ships equipped with industrial cores.
Capital Shipboard Compression Technology
- This advanced skill enables shipboard operation of ORE's new materials compression technology. Each level unlocks specialized compressor modules for use on capital ships equipped with industrial cores.
Gas Decompression Efficiency
- This skill improves the efficiency of the decompression process for converting compressed harvestable gases into a form usable in industrial processes. Each level improves efficiency and reduces decompression losses by 1%.
Fleet Compression Logistics
- This fleet support skill increases the range at which fleet members can use fleet compression services offered by a ship operating an industrial core and compressor technology. Each level increases by 10% the range from the industrial core ship within which fleet compression services can be used by other fleet members.
Structures & Deployables:
- 🤝 The Tatara‘s base reprocessing efficiency bonus has been increased from 4% to 5.5%
- A new bonus has been added to the Moon Mining platform structures.
- The Athanor now has a Gas Decompression Bonus set at 4%
- The Tatara now has a Gas Decompression Bonus set at 10%
Custom Office Gantries
There has been several quality-of-life updates made to the deployment and conflict surrounding Player Owned Customs Offices (POCOs).
- The Customs Office Gantry is now globally visible when deployed in the solar system and can be directly warped to.
- Deploying a customs office gantry now uses the standardized range check when checking its distance is close to the planet. Previously you could deploy gantries at a very large distance to a planet, now the radius has been reduced and the deployment range around the planet is now tighter.
- 🏴 Aggression against a customs office gantry in High-Security is now a Suspect act, rather than Criminal.
- The maximum shield hitpoints of customs office gantries have been reduced to from 10,000,000 to 500,000
- The onlining and unanchoring delays for customs office gantries have both been increased to 15 minutes
Customs Office Gantry attribute changes:
Attribute | Previous Value | New Value |
Shield Capacity | 10,000,000 HP | 500,000 HP |
Unanchoring Delay | 30 seconds | 15 minutes |
Onlining Delay | 5 seconds | 15 minutes |
- The CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon Blueprint has had a reduction in its cost in the CONCORD LP Store
- Reduced to 9000 per 5-run blueprint copy from 20000
- Additionally, the average drops of Rogue Drone Infestation data found inside the CRAB upon completion has been increased.
User Interface:
- Fitting warning are now being displayed when fitting undersized modules.
- A new Compression window is now presented to players who are using the Compress action.
- This new window has been designed to be as fast as possible to interact with, allowing for quick and easy compression of resources.
- It is opened after choosing to compress resources, allowing you to see the input/output and to choose to go ahead and compress or cancel.
- There is no drag and drop functionality in order to keep the window as simple as possible.
- A new Decompression window is now available for decompressing gas.
- The window is available by right clicking and attempting to decompress a stack of any Compressed Gas.
- As the decompression of gas is lossy, the yield values that apply in the calculation are presented in the window.
- Structure efficiency and a characters current skill level apply.
- Symbol for the different categories is now visible for Corporation Skill Plans
New Player Experience:
Launched the second chapter of the AIR New Player Experience, deepening the narrative through an exciting mining gameplay journey. Read the details about the experience in this development blog.
The experience is opt-in and can therefore be skipped at any time by players. The experience is accessible to new characters only.
Defect Fixes:
- Addressed an issue with Ice Belts not correctly completing after the belt is depleted. This time we mean it.
- 🤝 Ships with an active Siege, Triage, or Industrial-Core module will now be correctly blocked from jumping through a wormhole.
- Clone jumping from an Upwell structure now works correctly.
- Skipping the NPE will have a new character's Corvette correctly fit with a mining laser.
- Turrets fitted to the wings of the Pacifier no longer clip into it during warp.
- Appropriate reflections of dynamic light and sunlight is now displaying properly in small crevices of ships and structures.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where intrusions in the Main Bank of the Encounter Surveillance System would show up under the Reserve Bank in the Agency
- Fixed an issue causing the F11 universe map to close when using CTRL+TAB "hide all windows"
- Fixed an issue that could cause the industry preview window to occasionally overlap with other industry preview windows
- Added messaging when trying to deploy a command center from a structure.
- Added a notification to the multisell window to warn capsuleers when they try to sell multiple items, through the Personal Assets window, from multiple locations.
- Addressed an issue with the Time to Payment time for the Main Bank in The Agency which in some instances was not correctly showing "short" and "long" times until payout.
- Fixed an issue where the "Accept" and "Withdraw" buttons for Corporation Invitation in My Applications sub-tab were missing.
- Fixed an issue where the Agent Mission buttons in the Info Panel were not showing correctly.
- Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect warning when adding filaments to a fitting.
- It is now possible to drag a characters name into the Name field when creating a contract.