Patch Notes - Version 19.01
The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 19.01). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2021-02-09
Last update: 2021-03-02
2021-02-09.1 || 2021-02-09.2 || 2021-02-10.1 || 2021-02-11.1 || 2021-02-16.1 || 2021-02-17.1 || 2021-02-17.2 || 2021-02-23.1 || 2021-02-25.1 || 2021-03-02.1
Patch Notes For 2021-03-02.1
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue that would allow a cloak to be activated at the same time as an Abyssal Siege Module.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Abyssal Siege Modules to activate without consuming Strontium Clathrates.
- Corrected the skill requirements for the Abyssal Siege Module so that it requires the same skills as the T2 version of the module, bringing it in line with other Abyssal modules.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-25.1
Defect Fixes
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from successfully finalizing a character customization.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-23.1 - BASTIONS OF WAR
Features & Changes
- The 2021 Guardian's Gala event came to an end.
Bastion Module I:
- Bastion now increases the rate of fire for all large weapons by 50% (100% DPS increase)
- Bastion duration reduced from 60s to 30s
Assault Damage Controls:
- Duration reduced by 25%
- Passive hull resist bonus reduced from 30% to 25% for Tech I and from 40% to 30% for Tech II
Heavy Assault Cruisers:
- Removed the reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
Wubbles (Stasis Webification Probe):
- Web strength increased from 30% to 40%
- Area of effect range increased from 10km to 15km
- Warm-up Duration reduced from 3s to 2s
All Marauders class ships:
- Lock range increased by 30%
- Sensor strength increased by 9
- 5% bonus to large projectile rate of fire changed to 7.5% large projectile damage
- Amarr Battleship bonus to Capacitor Capacity changed to 10% reduction in Large Energy Turret capacitor need
- Capacitor Capacity increased to 8000 GJ
- Capacitor Recharge rate reduced to 17m and 30s
- The reduction in plate mass penalty increased from 15% to 20%
- Bonus to the rate of fire increased from 5% to 7.5%
- Bonus to Shield HP increased from 10% to 15%
- Bonus to Armor HP increased from 10% to 15%
- Added a Drug Bay and a Charge Bay
- Power Grid reduced from 780,000 MW to 700,000 MW
- XL Beam Power need reduced by 10,000 MW
- XL Beam CPU need reduced by 10 tf
- Removed Target Painter Resistance from Structures.
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue with a missing string in Guardian Gala 2v2 Cruiser event for some languages.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from updating their portraits.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-17.2 - HOTFIX
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue where after the cyno jump, destination system would not load, and lead to disconnection.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-17.1
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused some users to experience a white start in the jump tunnel.
Fixed an issue that caused VFX to incorrectly follow camera orbit.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the Redeeming window would not open up correctly for non-Latin languages.
- Fixed an issue where the next gate in route was sometimes not selected.
- Fixed an issue in which dying during the tutorial would trigger the help page and not allow the user to finish the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue in which having the tutorial page bookmarked for one character would not allow other characters to open the Agency.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-16.1
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Solar Cell dungeon, which prevented the final wave of enemies from spawning.
- Fixed an issue where Guardians Gala data sites had an item trader.
- Fixed an issue that caused the tactical camera to be non-selectable for some users after alt-tabbing during gate jump.
- Fixed an issue that caused a black screen when viewing a planet in Planetary Industry (PI) mode if the player was viewing the planet during the jump tunnel animation.
- Fixed an issue that caused turrets to not render when entering the second room in an Abyssal Filament.
- Fixed an issue which caused players to see the jump tunnel animation with 3D view disabled.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the Guardian's Gala card in the Agency incorrectly showed an 'Opens External Content' icon.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-11.1
Features & Changes
The Guardians Gala event is now live and Capsuleers have time until 11:00 UTC on 23 February to collect all the rewards and participate in various activities:
- Fight the Carousing Angel and Serpentis pirates all over New Eden, and crash their VIP parties in Wormhole space. Destroy the Emcees for valuable loot.
- Increased warp speed by 2 AU/s and PVP loot drop to 90% in Wormholes for the duration of the event.
- Disrupt the pirate festivities at the core by locating and hacking the towers in Gala Coordination Centres throughout K-Space and Wormholes.
- Earn rewards for completing the either type of site in the new Gala Season.
User Interface:
- Changed placement of the Home Station tab in the Character Sheet.
- The Implant and Booster loss warning for self-destructing in the Home Station page will now only appear when a destructible Implant or Booster is active.
- The 'Set Destination' button on the Home Station page will no longer be interactable when docked at your Home Station.
- Reduced the size of the Saved Location icon in the Map and Scanner windows.
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the Tactical Camera to reset its position incorrectly after jumping.
- Fixed an issue that stopped the next gate in route from being selected.
- Fixed an issue where the icon for Redclaw Sable SKINs was the wrong color.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the 'Current Station' section of the Home Station page would fail to show Structures within Wormhole space.
- Fixed an issue where some crates would attempt to open when remotely redeemed to your Home Station.
- Fixed cases where the Home Station page would not update to show the School Station as your Home Station when the previous Home Station was inaccessible.
- Fixed an issue where the Home Station icon in the Map could not be selected or right-clicked.
- Fixed an issue where the Clone transfer notification mail would not always appear when your Home Station was set to a Structure that was destroyed or unanchored.
- Fixed an issue where selecting the Clone Bay Service button would not close the Character Sheet if it was already open on the Jump Clone page.
- Fixed an issue where the remote Home Station cooldown warning would not be removed after the 365-day timer.
- Fixed an issue where an Inventory popup would be incorrectly shown when remotely redeeming items to your Home Station.
- Fixed an issue where the Home Station link would not update in the Character Sheet header if the window was already open.
- Fixed an issue in the new Fleet Finder that caused Jumps Away to display an incorrect number when there was no direct gate to gate route.
- Fixed an issue in the new Fleet Finder that caused the tooltip that appears when hovering over a fleet to be incorrectly laid out.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-10.1
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the Fleet Finder that caused characters with the required standing to not always be able to join fleets.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-09.2 - HOTFIX
Defect Fixes
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue which caused the context menu "Save Location" option to be missing in several places, such as stations and wormholes.
- Fixed an issue that caused the new Fleet Finder in the Agency to not load correctly when the language was set to Russian, Korean, or Japanese.
Patch Notes For 2021-02-09.1 - QUADRANT 1: REIGN
Features & Changes
Defect Fixes
Features & Changes
- Updated ships with maintenance bays with specific undock points for launched spacecraft.
- The new Jumpgate, cyno and Abyssal travel animations have been added.
- Made substantial improvements after being taken back into incubation.
- Implemented several improvements and bug fixes to reduce the the total jump times. (see graph below)
- Added new dynamic visuals (camera placement and intersystem tunnel effects) enhancing the overall player experience.

Game Systems:
Introducing a new tool to discover and find fleets in New Eden: Fleet Up!
- The new Fleet Finder tool allows to register fleets for a series of different activities, such as Abyssal Deadspace, Exploration, Pirate Strongholds, Combat Anomalies and more!
- Fleets can be publicly available, have limited discoverability to your Corporation, Alliance or restrict access to pilots with specific standings or security status.
- Minimum standing requirements of 0.0 will include Capsuleers you have no standings towards.
- Fleets can be marked as New Player Friendly.
- Fleet Commanders can automatically accept all incoming join requests or require a manual approval before a new pilot can join the fleet.
- Fleets can hide details about their composition and location in the advert.
Home Stations:
New Eden is a vast universe that can feel daunting especially for new players. We have made several improvements and quality of life changes to strengthen the sense of Home in EVE Online:
- Removed the cost for setting a Home Station.
- You can now set your Home Station without a Clone Bay service, even while in space, though the 1 year remote restriction still applies.
- Added a new 'Home Station' tab to the Character section of the Character Sheet.
- Removed the old Clone Bay Service UI as all previous functionality is now in the Character Sheet.
- Updated the Home Stations icons in the Character Sheet and the Map.
- Added a Home Station indicator badge in the Overview.
- You can now choose to redeem items to your Home Station, including when in space or from the Character Selection screen.
User Interface:
- Changed all references to "Planetary Production" or "Planetary Interaction" in the client to "Planetary Industry". No more PP jokes.
- Modified Camera Motion for players using Spacemouse peripherals with associated settings now appearing in the ESC menu.
- Added an Agency help page with tutorial videos about different areas of the game. Once the tutorial is completed or rejected during Character Creation this will become visible in the Agency.
- Brought back the description tab.
- Removed Ancestry choice from the Character Creation.
- Added a 'Load Charges' right-click option to Charges in the Cargo Hold.
- Added the ability to drag & drop systems, stations & structures from the search results window.
- Added information in the Info Window of what is affecting modified attributes.
- Added the possibility to delete (Shift + Del) entries from history in text fields.
- Made it so attributes that use milliseconds units with a value over 5 minutes display it in a readable format (written out rather than in seconds).
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the 'Open Local Locations' window does not close using shortcut key.
- Fixed an issue where 'Add Members' option from the contextual menu does not function under Access List.
- Fixed an issue where a fleet advert set up to allow only corp members with good standing, allows also good-standing characters from outside the corporation.
- Fixed an issue where a previously removed ECM module could be looted. Existing instances will be replaced with a Compulsive Scoped Multispectral ECM.
- Fixed issues with Character Creation bar animations not behaving correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Anti-Aliasing was not being applied after logging into the game.
- Fixed an issue where textures on the Punisher rendered completely black.
- Fixed an issue that caused male character's neck to be hidden when a mid-layer shirt is worn with an outer business suit.
- Fixed an issue where there was a small gap between Maulus turret mount and fitted turrets.
- Fixed an issue that caused Salvage Drone II Blueprint to have the incorrect icon.
- Fixed an issue with the Snowline Bladeracer SKIN being misaligned.
- Fixed an issue where some Jita advertisement texture quality was low.
- Reduced intensity of ambient brightness cycling of the the star field to prevent banding artifacts and updated texture quality.
- The visual effect of ships being ejected from a ship maintenance will now progress smoothly over ship hulls that have animation as they materialize into space.
- Fixed an issue where some textures had black gaps.
- Corrected various typos in the Japanese SKIN names.
- Added a missing localization string to the Structure Asset Transfer dialog.
- Fixed an issue where the Amarr Large Outpost Factional Warfare site would give double rewards.
- Fixed an issue where a placeholder Error appears when corporation inviting someone already in your corporation using the 'Invite to corporation' button.
Triglavian Space:
- Fixed an issue where the wreck warp disruption in Accelerator and Observatory Flashpoint sites could be prevented.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong reward giver was shown when completing an Observatory Flashpoint site.
- Fixed an issue where a variations tab was shown in the Information windows of several NPCs.
- Fixed several issue where NPCs would use the wrong wreck when destroyed.
- Fixed missing descriptions in the Information windows of some NPCs.
- Fixed performance issues with some NPCs.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue that caused the character name randomizer to create invalid names for characters.
- Fixed issues with skillpoints not updating continuously in the character sheet.
- Fixed issues with inconsistent font size in sell items window.
- Fixed an issue that caused overlaps when resizing the Factional Warfare window.
- Fixed an issue that caused overlaps on Market orders and modify order windows.
- Fixed an issue that caused the search results to display an inconsistent behavior.
- Fixed an issue that did not allow to open all tabs in fitting window when UI scaling is set to 90%.
- Adjusted white text on pop up windows.
- Fixed issues with 'Actual Color' filter in Map window causing '4' label to appear under systems names.
- Fixed an issue where the "Required for" tab was missing from the show info window for certain ship construction skills.
- Fixed a problem with incursions, where the info panel and the green overlay were not removed correctly at the end of an incursion.
- Fixed an issue where the mission objective in the info panel did not update correctly for career agent missions.
- Added correct market details for Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper.
- Fixed an issue causing up / down arrows in the Alliance Tax window to be nonfunctional.
- Fixed an issue where duplicate Clones might appear after jumping in the Jump Clone UI.
- Fixed an issue where the cooldown banner would not update correctly in the Jump Clone UI.
- Fixed an issue where the loading overlay was not displaying correctly in the Jump Clone UI.
- Fixed more areas where a max integer value was shown instead of "No gate-to-gate" when no route could be found.
- Fixed an issue where you could remotely set your Home Station to a Station within a System owned by an enemy Militia.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong Station was listed in Clone Activation mails when your Home Station is not accessible.
- Fixed an issue where the Back button in the Propose Vote window does not appear to be functional when proposing a Lock Blueprint Vote for the first time after login.
- Fixed an issue where the label drop-down menu in Contact Management window overflows with long label names when the font size is set to large.
- Fixed an issue that caused headers to become too wide after resetting them.
- Fixed an issue that caused the backwards/forwards buttons within the Agency to not work.
- Fixed an issue where the Agency was not refreshed correctly after a pirate stronghold was completed.