Vat Out of Hel | EVE Online
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Vat Out of Hel

2020-10-23 - By CCP Convict

Immortal Capsuleers,

As part of the Phoenix Quadrant, a big update to Supercarriers is coming to EVE Online on 10 November, introducing the new Tactical Capsuleer Recloner, stunning new visuals, and added ship balance for these behemoths of New Eden!

The Tactical Capsuleer Recloner is a new module for Supercarriers, allowing fleet members who are podded in battle to respawn inside a local fleet Supercarrier and enter a fitted ship that is already stowed inside the massive vessel itself! A new booster type, called the Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper, will be introduced that must be consumed for a fleet member to become eligible for Supercarrier Recloning.

In addition, there will be amazing and long-deserved new visuals in this update with Supercarriers doubling in size, more visual details added to the engines, detailed textures with more texture space allocated to the Supercarrier hulls, and holographic effects surrounding the Supercarriers that will be visible during ship assembly!

The ship balancing for the Supercarriers consists of the following changes:

  • Wyvern and Aeon fighter damage bonus increased to 7.5%
  • 10% increase in Heavy Fighter HP
  • Light Fighter speed reduced by 10%
  • Light Fighter signature increased by 10%
  • Supercarrier SMB capacity increased to 5m from 2.5m

To complement the Vat Out of Hel update, the Headhunter SKIN will be returning to EVE Online's New Eden Store for the Aeon, Hel, Nyx, and Wyvern with a 20% discount. The offers are available between 10 November and 17 November, downtime to downtime.

Finally, the new Blazing Phoenix Pack contains the Capital Ships Skill Book to start you on your way to flying EVE's largest ships - including Supercarriers - as well as Skill Books for using Fighters. There are also four superb Supercarrier SKINs, excellent for customizing those newly-updated beasts, so act fast and grab it by 11:00 UTC on 1 December!