Patch Notes for 18.04 Release

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within the 18.04 Release. All new updates will be temporarily highlighted on top and added to the complete patch notes list below. The updates will also be tracked in the official forum thread.
Initial Release Date: 2020-04-15
Last Update: 2020-05-19
Patch Notes Released on 2020-05-19:
Features & Changes
User Interface:
- Crates in the Daily Login Rewards window now have a more streamlined description.
Defect Fixes
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where searching for English type names in localized clients stopped working.
- Fixed an issue where labels in the Daily Login Rewards window where not wrapping correctly in a French Client.
- Fixed an issue where invalid < a > tag inside of a corporation title breaks character info sheet.
- Fixed an issue when using the 'export to clipboard' in the Fitting Window, string shows message path.
- Fixed an issue where "View Member Details" option did not appear for non-Director players.
For discussion about the content release, please head on over to the respective comments threads on EVE Online forums:
Complete List of Patch Notes for 18.04 Release
Features & Changes
- Increased damage of Void, Conflagration, Hail, and Rage ammunition (Small, Medium, Large and X-Large) by 15%
- Increased Long Range Heavy Fighter explosion radius by 50%
- Bomb base damage reduced by 20%
- Bomb hit points reduced by 20%
- Reduced effectiveness of all resistance modules by 20%
- Includes all active and passive armor and shield resistance modules.
- Does not include resistance rigs or damage controls.
- Increasing short range heavy fighter maximum velocity by 50%
- Reduced Standup Guided Bomb damage by 20%
- Standup Light Guided Bomb EMP / Thermal / Kinetic / Explosive damage reduced from 850 to 700
- Standup Heavy Guided Bomb EMP / Thermal / Kinetic / Explosive damage reduced from 3.000 to 2.400
- The Hunt event has ended. (2020-04-21)
- Hunt outpost sites and mysterious capsules are no longer found across New Eden.
- Player capsules no longer have a chance of dropping implants as loot.
- The Capsuleer Day Clash event has begun! (2020-05-07)
- Secret EDENCOM facilities that have been developing and producing Capsuleer Day gifts (among other activities) have come under attack by the Triglavians.
- These facilities can now be discovered by capsuleers using the anomaly scanner. They can be found in all areas of space and their acceleration gates are configured to only allow entry for Combat Battlecruisers and Attack Battlecruisers.
- The Avatar Titan received an updated model, with higher detail textures, and a brand new doomsday firing effect to match.
- Characters will now have pre-randomized clothing on Character Creation.
- The Jita main station gets more in-construction scaffolding and new indications for the new undock. Hangar interior gets scaffolding.
Performed Shield Hardener Module Tiericide
The parts of the names of the modules, that describe their role, have been changed as follows:
- Adaptive Invulnerability Field → Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener
- EM Ward Field → Anti-EM Shield Hardener
- Explosive Deflection Field → Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener
- Kinetic Deflection Field → Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener
- Thermal Dissipation Field → Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener
Other name changes:
- Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I → Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener
- Limited 'Anointed' EM Ward Field → Compact Anti-EM Shield Hardener
- Limited Explosive Deflection Field I → Compact Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener
- Limited Kinetic Deflection Field I → Compact Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener
- Limited Thermal Dissipation Field I → Compact Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener
New modules:
- Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener – PG: 1, CPU: 40, capacitorNeed: 32, duration: 15s, EM res.: -23.2, explosive res.: -23.2, kinetic res.: -23.2, thermal res.: -23.2, heatDamage: 4
- Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener – PG: 1, CPU: 40, capacitorNeed: 16, duration: 15s, EM res.: -42, heatDamage: 4
- Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener – PG: 1, CPU: 40, capacitorNeed: 16, duration: 15s, explosive res.: -42, heatDamage: 4
- Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener – PG: 1, CPU: 40, capacitorNeed: 16, duration: 15s, kinetic res.: -42, heatDamage: 4
- Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener – PG: 1, CPU: 40, capacitorNeed: 16, duration: 15s, thermal res.: -42, heatDamage: 4
This Tiericide pass coincides with the global 20% reduction in resistance values for all resistance modules, therefore for some modules that change might be different than 20% from the attributes on Tranquility before the patch.
New (old) attributes for changed modules below - the resistance bonus changes are shown only for modules where the change is different than 20% global reduction:
Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener - CPU: 27 (34), duration: 10s (12s), EM res.: -23.2 (-25), explosive res.: -23.2 (-25), kinetic res.: -23.2 (-25), thermal res.: -23.2 (-25)
Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II - EM res.: -26 (-30), explosive res.: -26 (-30), kinetic res.: -26 (-30), thermal res.: -26 (-30)
'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener - CPU: 27 (34), EM res.: -26 (-27.5), explosive res.: -26 (-27.5), kinetic res.: -26 (-27.5), thermal res.: -26 (-27.5)
Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener - EM res.: -26 (-25), explosive res.: -26 (-25), kinetic res.: -26 (-25), thermal res.: -26 (-25)
Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (27), duration: 15s (12s), heatDamage: 3.4 (4)
Compact Anti-EM Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (32), duration: 10s (12s), EM res.: -42 (-50)
Compact Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (34), duration: 10s (12s), explosive res.: -42 (-50)
Compact Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (36), duration: 10s (12s), kinetic res.: -42 (-50)
Compact Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (38), duration: 10s (12s), thermal res.: -42 (-50)
'Poacher' Anti-EM Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (34), EM res.: -44 (-52.5)
'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (34), explosive res.: -44 (-52.5)
'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (34), kinetic res.: -44 (-52.5)
'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener - CPU: 30 (34), thermal res.: -44 (-52.5)
Domination Anti-EM Shield Hardener - CPU: 36 (32), EM res.: -44 (-50)
Domination Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener - CPU: 36 (34), explosive res.: -44 (-50)
Domination Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener - kinetic res.: -44 (-50)
Domination Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener - CPU: 36 (38), thermal res.: -44 (-50)
Caldari Navy Anti-EM Shield Hardener - EM res.: -45 (-55)
Caldari Navy Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener - explosive res.: -45 (-55)
Caldari Navy Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener - kinetic res.: -45 (-55)
Caldari Navy Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener - thermal res.: -45 (-55)
Dread Guristas Anti-EM Shield Hardener - CPU: 33 (30), duration: 15s (12s), EM res.: -45 (-55), heatDamage: 3.4 (4)
Dread Guristas Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener - CPU: 33 (30), duration: 15s (12s), explosive res.: -45 (-55), heatDamage: 3.4 (4)
Dread Guristas Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener - CPU: 33 (30), duration: 15s (12s), kinetic res.: -45 (-55), heatDamage: 3.4 (4)
Dread Guristas Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener - CPU: 33 (30), duration: 15s (12s), thermal res.: -45 (-55), heatDamage: 3.4 (4)
Gist C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener - EM res.: -45 (-54.5)
Gist C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener - explosive res.: -45 (-54.5)
Gist C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener - kinetic res.: -45 (-54.5)
Gist C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener - thermal res.: -45 (-54.5)
The volume of all shield hardeners has been set to 5m3.
Meta Level changes:
- Named Meta 2 → Meta 1
- Faction Meta 9 → Meta 8
- C-Type Deadspace Meta 11 → Meta 10
- A-Type Deadspace Meta 13 → Meta 14
- X-Type Deadspace Meta 14 → Meta 16
- Officer Meta 12 → Meta 13
- Officer Meta 13 → Meta 15
- Officer Meta 14 → Meta 17
- New 'Skillers in the Abyss' event with daily challenges has started. (2020-04-28)
- Reworked super carrier support fighter tubes:
- Support fighter tubes decreased from 2 to 0
- Heavy fighter tubes increased from 3 to 4
- Super Carrier and Titan Plate bonus reduced
- Super carrier bonus to plates and extenders reduced from 400% to 200%
- Titan bonus to plates and extenders reduced from 500% to 300%
- Wyvern and Aeon fighter bay increased to match Nyx and Hel
- T1, Faction and Pirate Battleship base hp increased by 10%
- T1, Faction and Pirate Battleship base scan resolution increased 30%
- Muninn
- Damage bonus reduced from 7.5% to 5% per level
- Optimal range bonus reduced from 7.5% to 5% per level
- Eagle
- Max velocity reduced from 202 to 190
- Powergrid -40
- Loki
- Powergrid reduced from 670 to 550
- Bonus to projectile range and falloff reduced from 10% to 5% per level
- Loki bonus to projectile tracking reduced from 7.5% to 5% per level
- Legion
- Powergrid reduced from 700 to 625
- Deimos
- Hybrid damage increased from 5% to 7.5% per level
- +50 PG
- +20 CPU
- Increased Scan Resolution by 30% for Marauders and Black Ops
- Redeemer increased from 170mm to 220mm
- Paladin increased from 120mm to 160mm
- Golem increased from 105mm to 140mm
- Widow increased from 115mm to 150mm
- Kronos increased from 120mm to 160mm
- Sin increased from 140mm to 185mm
- Vargur increased from 145mm to 180mm
- Panther increased from 155mm to 200mm
- Marshal increased from 180mm to 235mm
- Increasing Freighter Hit Points by 20%:
- Providence Hull increased from 100.000 to 120.000
- Providence Armor increased from 46.000 to 55.200
- Providence Shield increased from 10.000 to 12.000
- Charon Hull increased from 77.500 to 93.000
- Charon Armor increased from 15.000 to 18.000
- Charon Shield increased from 50.000 to 60.000
- Obelisk Hull increased from 110.000 to 132.000
- Obelisk Armor increased from 40.000 to 48.000
- Obelisk Shield increased from 14.000 to 16.800
- Fenrir Hull increased from 65.000 to 78.000
- Fenrir Armor increased from 22.000 to 26.400
- Fenrir Shield increased from 48.000 to 57.600
- Bowhead Hull increased from 50.000 to 60.000
- Bowhead Armor increased from 15.000 to 18.000
- Bowhead Shield increased from 22.000 to 26.400
- Force Auxiliaries are now limited to on-lining 1 (one) Capacitor Booster
Structures & Deployables:
- Structure profiles can now be duplicated
User Interface:
- Removed confirmation pop-up for Empire selection.
- Added and Improved UI elements on the Character Creation process:
- Added tooltips for "Randomize," "Character Sculpting," and "Zoom."
- Icons pulse to demonstrate a working state.
- Changed "Randomize," "Gender," "Zoom," "Toggle Clothes," and "Navigation" buttons to more conventional looks.
- Improved navigation between steps during Character Creation process. Changing Empire and/or Race now requires taking a step back in the process.
- Mousing over an entry on the Customize Appearance will display a randomize icon for that specific entry.
- Changed color of labels and buttons to blue.
- Active steps now display same blue colors as the labels and buttons.
- Removed portrait confirmation window.
- Added non-clickable gender icon on final summary.
- Changed "Finalize" to "Enter Game" in the last step button.
- Ability to import and export market Quickbar has been added
- Importing into Multibuy window now retains the order in clipboard
- Market search has been optimized and changed so it filters as you type
- The tooltip on contracts has been improved, making it easier to read
- A tooltip has been added to the arrow in character selection that shows wallet balance changes. This tooltip shows how much the balance has changed.
- In localized clients, both English and localized typenames can now be imported into Skillqueue, Fitting and Multibuy, and when appropriate an option to export in English.
- Improvements have been made to the slider in corp/alliance contacts management, making it possible to use the mouse wheel to give better control.
- Text on brackets can now be formatted (bold, italic, underline, color, fontsize, linebreaks)
- Text on tabs in overview can now be colored
- Fleet Watch list is now in “Color Edit Mode” by default
- Show info windows are now better at remembering what tab was selected
- Contents of Inventory can now be copied in Icon mode
- The universal search bar now has a shortcut (shift+s)
- “Collapse All” button has been added to the ‘Hulls & Fits’ and ‘Hardware’ tabs in the Fitting window, as well as the search result window
- Improvements to mailing list management interface, including allowing dragging characters into “Allowed” and “Blocked” lists.
- The list under “Item Group” in corporation assets is now alphabetically sorted
- Tooltip has been added to ship groups listed as “Can be fitted to” in Attribute tab in Show Info window. This tooltip lists what ships belong to the ship group.
- It’s now possible to copy the information in the lists in the Reprocessing window
- A helper pointer has been added to the “Board Corvette” button.
- Ability to format brackets announced on Wednesday, 15 April was made available. (2020-04-17)
- Crates in the Daily Login Rewards window now have a more streamlined description. (2020-05-19)
Login Campaigns:
- New Ongoing Daily Login Reward campaign has started!
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented NPCs from spawning in the huntmaster outpost site. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed an issue where the notepad is failing to load due to no longer existing notes in folders. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed an issue where users cant see abyssal mods stats on contracts. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed an issue where the price for NPC seeded commodities did not update correctly. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed an issue that was breaking features in the tactical overlay. (2020-04-20)
- Fixed an issue that caused confusion about the Daily Login Rewards being auto-injected. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue that caused certain Drones to not count towards the Kills in 'Skillers in the Abyss' Daily Challenge. (2020-04-30)
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from simulating T3 Destroyer stances (2020-05-05)
- Fixed issues that prevented some players from claiming the Daily Rewards. (2020-05-07)
- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from seeing the Daily Reward window. (2020-05-12)
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Capsuleer Day Cerebral Accelerators from being traded on the market or appearing in search fields. (2020-05-12)
Graphics and Audio:
Fixed an issue whereby a Capsule would not return to the default SKIN correctly.(fix will be added in the next monthly deployment)- Fixed an issue whereby some UI elements were causing the space or hangar scene to be rendered black.
- Fixed the special entry SFX in some systems, under certain events, which were playing when logging in to a station in the system.
- Fixed an issue whereby special SFX played when entering particular systems to start playing again if Inactive Client Muted was enabled.
- Corrected the manufacturing output of the Low-grade Hydra Omega Blueprint
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Men's 'Fatal Elite' Combat Boots from appearing in searches
- Fixed an issue that cause unintended visual effects to appear on the Permaband Roadies SKINs. (2020-04-21)
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to experience a black screen or invisible ship upon login. (2020-05-12)
- Updated Blueprints to reflect new naming conventions from Shield Hardener Tiericide. (2020-04-20)
- Removed link to Capital Capacitor Boosters from Force Auxiliary Traits tab. (2020-04-21)
- Removed mention of Support Fighters from Supercarrier Traits tab. (2020-04-21)
- Fixed some defects with the Korean localization of the Capsuleer Clash event. (2020-05-12)
- Stealth Bombers can now enter the Hunt event sites.
- Fixed the Clade membership of the final wave of NPCs in the Capsuleer Clash event. (2020-05-12)
- Fixed an issue preventing the warning for too high/too low price for advanced buy order and modify order windows from appearing User Interface:
- Fixed an issue with Hypernet Relay that allowed to enter negative values when buying multiple nodes.
- Fixed an issue that allowed to enter negative values when buying Datacores from R&D Agents.
- Fixed an issue with Wallet settings disappearing when stacking windows.
- Adjusted Wallet so the closest LP store will now list the current station if it contains the correct LP store instead of another station in the system.
- Audio will now play correctly when setting a CSPA charge larger than the maximum allowed value.
- Adjusted unallocated Skill Points pop up to avoid text overflow.
- Re-added the missing "r" to donations in the wallet when they are accompanied by a note.
- Added an appropriate error text when searching for a name that doesn't exist in the "Transfer To:" field of the Give ISK tab.
- Adjusted "Give ISK" search by adding a terms combo box.
- "Closest LP Store" list in the wallet station will now be correctly localized.
- Fixed the icon for officer modules in search results in the market window.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Access Lists to fail to be added if Minimum Structure Tax was lower than 1%. (2020-04-20)
- Fixed an issue where the Frontier Safeguarder crate failed to open. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed an issue where redeeming auto-activated SKINs in game did not give the player the SKIN. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed an issue that could cause Access Lists to fail to be added if Minimum Structure Tax was lower than 1%
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue that caused the current Login Campaign window to not load properly when opening it after claiming all items. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed an issue with Tutorial not revealing the HUD. (2020-04-16)
- Fixed issue with the HUD not revealing itself. (2020-04-20)
- Fixed issue with Overview overlapping selected item window. (2020-04-20)
- Fixed an issue where the Daily Login campaign shows an original Blueprint in the DLI window when it should be a Blueprint Copy. (2020-04-21)
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from searching items in English when using a Japanese client with important names in English. (2020-04-21)
- Fixed an issue that caused dimming of the Character Selection screen background when the DLI window is open. (2020-04-21)
- Fixed an issue with the Tutorial not revealing the UI when starting it from Agency. (2020-04-21)
- Fixed an issue on character creation in which resizing windows caused drop down menus to be unresponsive, and color pickers to dissappear. (2020-04-21)
- Fixed an issue where the right side panel tabs of the Character Portrait were invisible. (2020-04-22)
- Fixed an issue where the color picker sliders overlapped the tabs. (2020-04-22)
- Fixed an issue where Daily Login campaign shows an original Blueprint in the Redemption Queue window when it should be a Blueprint Copy. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue where a pointer shows next to your Inventory when you redeem a reward from the Evergreen Campaign. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue where players can be told that their reward will be delivered to their hanger, when in fact it will be auto-injected. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to right-click and select 'Show Info' available on crate. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue where font colour Choice popup is split over 5 columns instead of 4, causing misalignment of related colours. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue where the skillbar on character selection was not visible enough. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue where there was a layout problem in french localization. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue where only one linebreak is included when overviews are shared. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue with the Daily 'Skilling in the Abyss' Challenges showing incorrect SP rewards. (2020-04-28)
- Fixed an issue with the Neocom that caused "Selected Items" to show duplicates. (2020-04-30)
- Fixed an issue with the Mission Info not being displayed when a character is on Soft Penalty. (2020-04-30)
- Removed a redundant "Add Solar System to Overview" from the right-click menu. (2020-05-12)
- Fixed issue with "Set Destination" button resetting itself and not allowing to start conversation with agents from the Agency on mission "Your Career Awaits." (2020-05-12)
- Fixed an issue that caused Skill Point buckets in the Daily Rewards to fill up too quickly. Any player that has already filled their bucket up will be awarded the Skill Points in the coming days. (2020-05-13)
- Fixed an issue where searching for English type names in localized clients stopped working. (2020-05-19)
- Fixed an issue where labels in the Daily Login Rewards window where not wrapping correctly in a French Client. (2020-05-19)
- Fixed an issue where invalid < a > tag inside of a corporation title breaks character info sheet. (2020-05-19)
- Fixed an issue when using the 'export to clipboard' in the Fitting Window, string shows message path. (2020-05-19)
- Fixed an issue where "View Member Details" option did not appear for non-Director players. (2020-05-19)
Third Party Developers
- The data for contraband types can now be found at fsd/contrabandTypes.yaml and no longer at bsd/invContrabandTypes.yaml due to the internal migration of the data. The data is also slightly differently structured.
- Fixed an issue where the wars endpoint would return an incorrect result. (2020-04-21)