Patch Notes for February 2020 Release

The following page will list patch notes for the February 2020 release that was originally deployed on 11 February. All subsequent point releases will be temporarily highlighted on top and added to the complete patch notes below. The updates will also be tracked in the official forum thread.
New Update: 28/02/2020
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing Filaments to use incorrect construction materials for Blueprints.
For discussion about today's content release, please head on over to the respective comments threads:
Full Patch Notes For February 2020 Release
Features & Changes
- High Angle Weapons may now only be fit to Dreadnaughts (27/02/2020)
- Adjusted High Angle Weapons and Siege Module attributes to simplify bonuses to High Angle Weapons. Overall damage output for High Angle Weapons in Siege mode will remain consistent with pre-patch values. (27/02/2020)
- Wandering wormhole connections (excluding to Thera and Shattered) have had their presence increased
- Wandering C5 and C6 connections to null sec have had their presence increased
- New wandering connections between C4, C5 and C6 wormhole systems have been introduced
- The Guardian's Gala has begun! This event will run from 12 February to 24 February. (13/02/2020)
- The Serpentis and Angel Cartel pirates are gathering all over New Eden to celebrate their lucrative partnership. Capsuleers can crash the party and defeat the carousing pirates for a chance at valuable loot! (13/02/2020)
- The standard Guardians Gala Venue site has begun to appear all over known space (high sec, low sec, and nullsec). These sites can be found using your ship's built-in anomaly scanner, and once a capsuleer has initiated warp to them a beacon will appear visible to everyone else in the system. CONCORD advises that capsuleers bring a ship of approximately battlecruiser power or greater if they wish to attack these locations. (13/02/2020)
- The Guardians Gala VIP Venue can be found exclusively within wormhole space. This site features larger numbers of more challenging hostile NPCs and an opportunity to gain even more valuable loot including blueprint copies for the new Angel Cartel "Savior" pirate implant set. (13/02/2020)
- Both the Standard and VIP Gala Venues drop overseers effects, ship skins, fireworks, agency combat boosters, "Inquest" implants, and a small chance of faction modules. The VIP Gala Venue in wormhole space provides the "Savior" implants as well as better quantities and chances at all the other valuable loot. (13/02/2020)
- For the duration of the Guardian's Gala event, pvp loot drop rates within wormhole space have been increased to approximately 90% instead the normal 50%. (13/02/2020)
- The Guardian's Gala has concluded, ending the appearance of Guardian's Gala venue sites throughout New Eden and returning the PVP loot drop rates in Wormhole space back to the standard 50% (24/02/2020)
- Nirvana Implant Blueprints added to Sansha Loyalty Store and loot tables
- Amulet Implants moved to Blood Raider Loyalty Store and loot tables
- The new Savior implant set has been introduced. This implant set improves the cycle time of subcapital remote shield and armor repair modules, and blueprints for these implants will initially become available through the upcoming Guardian's Gala VIP Venues:
- Low-grade Savior Alpha +2 Perception 1% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 2.5% set bonus
- Low-grade Savior Beta +2 Memory 1.5% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle timewith 2.5% set bonus
- Low-grade Savior Gamma +2 Willpower 2% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 2.5% set bonus
- Low-grade Savior Delta +2 Intelligence 2.5% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 2.5% set bonus
- Low-grade Savior Epsilon +2 Charisma 3% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 2.5% set bonus
- Low-grade Savior Omega 10% set bonus
- Mid-grade Savior Alpha +3 Perception 1% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 10% set bonus
- Mid-grade Savior Beta +3 Memory 1.5% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 10% set bonus
- Mid-grade Savior Gamma +3 Willpower 2% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 10% set bonus
- Mid-grade Savior Delta +3 Intelligence 2.5% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 10% set bonus
- Mid-grade Savior Epsilon +3 Charisma 3% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 10% set bonus
- Mid-grade Savior Omega 25% set bonus
- High-grade Savior Alpha +4 Perception 1% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 15% set bonus
- High-grade Savior Beta +4 Memory 1.5% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 15% set bonus
- High-grade Savior Gamma +4 Willpower 2% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 15% set bonus
- High-grade Savior Delta +4 Intelligence 2.5% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 15% set bonus
- High-grade Savior Epsilon +4 Charisma 3% reduction in subcap remote rep cycle time with 15% set bonus
- High-grade Savior Omega 50% set bonus
Performed Remote Capacitor Transmitter Module Tiericide
Module name changes:
- Small Asymmetric Remote Capacitor Transmitter renamed to Small Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Small 'Regard' Remote Capacitor Transmitter renamed to Small Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Medium Asymmetric Remote Capacitor Transmitter renamed to Medium Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Medium 'Regard' Remote Capacitor Transmitter renamed to Medium Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Large Asymmetric Remote Capacitor Transmitter renamed to Large Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Large 'Regard' Remote Capacitor Transmitter renamed to Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Module migration:
- Small Partial E95a Remote Capacitor Transmitter converted to Small Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Small Murky Remote Capacitor Transmitter converted to Small Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Medium Partial E95b Remote Capacitor Transmitter converted to Medium Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Medium Murky Remote Capacitor Transmitter converted to Medium Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Large Partial E95c Remote Capacitor Transmitter converted to Large Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter
- Large Murky Remote Capacitor Transmitter converted to Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
All market orders for the affected modules will be removed, the modules and escrow will be returned to the character who created the order. We will convert every module of one type into modules of another type, everywhere in the database. This includes modules currently fit to ships and modules in containers or contracts.
New attributes for changed modules:
- Small Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 1, Volume: 5, CPU: 30(+1), PG: 4, Transfer Amount: 35(+3), Capacitor: 38, Range: 4025(+350)
- Small Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 1(-3), Volume: 5, CPU: 24, PG: 4, Transfer Amount: 35(-1), Capacitor: 38, Range: 3500(-700)
- 'Squire' Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 6, Volume: 5, CPU: 22(-2), PG: 3(-1), Transfer Amount: 39, Capacitor: 49, Range: 4550
- Medium Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 1, Volume: 10(+5), CPU: 40(+2), PG: 80, Transfer Amount: 104(+9), Capacitor: 113, Range: 5750(+500)
- Medium Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 1(-3), Volume: 10(+5), CPU: 32, PG: 72(-8), Transfer Amount: 104(-4), Capacitor: 113, Range: 5000(-1000)
- 'Knight' Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 6, Volume: 10(+5), CPU: 30(-2), PG: 68(-4), Transfer Amount: 117, Capacitor: 146, Range: 6500
- Large Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 1, Volume: 25(+20), CPU: 50(+2), PG: 320, Transfer Amount: 311(+27), Capacitor: 338, Range: 8625(+750)
- Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 1(-3), Volume: 25(+20), CPU: 40, PG: 288(-32), Transfer Amount: 311(-13), Capacitor: 338, Range: 7500(-1500)
- 'Chivalry' Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter - Meta Level: 6, Volume: 25(+20), CPU: 37(-3), PG: 272(-16), Transfer Amount: 351, Capacitor: 439, Range: 9750
Other changes:
- Setting the volume for all Remote Capacitor Transmitters - Small: 5m3, Medium: 10m3, Large: 25m3
- Setting the Meta Level for all Remote Capacitor Transmitters to 1 for 'named', 8 for Faction, 10 for C-Type, 12 for B-Type, 14 for A-Type
Added 'Needlejack' filaments: (27/02/2020)
- Noise-5 'Needlejack' Filament – moves 5 players to random system
- Signal-5 'Needlejack' Filament – moves 5 players to random active system
- Noise-15 'Needlejack' Filament – moves 15 players to random system
- Signal-15 'Needlejack' Filament – moves 15 players to random active system
- Noise-25 'Needlejack' Filament – moves 25 players to random system
- Signal-25 'Needlejack' Filament – moves 25 players to random active system
Noise-5 'Needlejack' Filament and Signal-5 'Needlejack' Filament can be found in Data Exploration Sites
Noise-15 'Needlejack' Filament Blueprint and Signal-15 'Needlejack' Filament Blueprint can be purchased from ORE Corporation LP stores
Noise-25 'Needlejack' Filament and Signal-25 'Needlejack' Filament will be distributed in upcoming events
- Changes to the qualification rules for Sansha Incursion rewards have been made. In order to qualify for the rewards, pilots must be present at the site upon completion and also have a meaningful contribution to the completion of the site.
Missions & NPCs:
- Updated Drifter Response Battleship Behaviours
- Updated some Sleeper warp scramblers to shut off micro jump drives
Structures & Deployables:
- Launching a Customs Office Gantry into space will now require the same corporation roles (Equipment Config) as anchoring it. (20/02/2020)
User Interface:
- Introducing a system to track new items in the Inventory, Hangars, and PLEX Vault via icon badging, UI breadcrumbs, and tooltips.
- PLEX is placed in PLEX Vault instead of Item Hangar when obtained via redeem, market, trade, contracts, etc.
- Number entry fields will now automatically include thousand separators (eg “1,000,000” rather than “1000000”). In the past, having these fields not format for easy readability has caused a significant amount of headaches for pilots and our Player Experience team. This change will hopefully make number fields much more readable and less prone to errors.
- Adjustments to the Crate opening flow.
- Moved NEOCOM icons for Redeem Window, Contextual Offers and Daily Login Rewards to NEOCOM Tray
- Unified naming of redemption queue in text references to "Redeem Items"
- Overhaul of Redeem queue UI.
- Tooltips now show the notes for bookmarks
- Corporation bulletins can now be rearranged
- Daily Login Incentive window now has sound
- Log Off window now includes Daily Reward reminder.
- Added a link icon next to the current fit name in the Fitting window
- New UI elements in the "buff bar" above the ship HUD will now clearly display the impact of system-wide effects on your ship. These icons will appear when your ship is being affected by:
- Wormhole system effects
- Sansha Incursion system effects
- Triglavian Invasion system effects
- Triglavian Stellar Accelerator system effects
- New items added to inventory are now added to the top of the inventory instead of bottom (18/02/2020)
- Added ability to clear new inventory badges without using mouseover (18/02/2020)
- Removed inventory badging from salvaging (18/02/2020)
- Removed inventory badges for scooped drones (18/02/2020)
- Added tooltip when unallocated SP is injected (18/02/2020)
- You can now see a list of the capsuleers who own the highest number of HyperNodes in an offer when looking at the offer details view.
- Filtering has received a number of improvements:
- You can now filter by item meta groups, blueprint copies vs. originals and item categories have been added to the item field.
- Filter settings can now be saved.
- You are no longer forced to select a range for the HyperNode count field, you can now filter on offers with a single specified number of HyperNodes.
- The history view has vastly improved filtering. You can filter by all the same criteria as in the browse view along with filtering on joined/created, active/finished, public/private offers. Sorting options were also added.
- When a filter is applied to the history view you can now see how many total offers there are and how many the filter criteria applies to.
- You will now see a warning on offers that have a disproportionately high HyperNode price compared to the item's average price on the regional market. This warning, along with the indicator for low-priced HyperNodes, can now also be seen in the offer details view.
- You can now see how many HyperNodes you own along with the total number of HyperNodes in an offer when it is finished and being synchronized.
- You will now be warned if you set a very low HyperNode price compared to the regional market estimate when creating an offer.
- Your history will now show you all the offers you've participated in or created in the last three months.
- Offers with blueprints will now say in the title whether they are an original blueprint or a copy.
The following adjustments have been made to asteroids throughout the universe of New Eden:
- High Sec Asteroids:
- Pyroxeres, Omber & Kernite quantities reduced.
- Low Sec Asteroids:
- Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Jaspet, Hemorphite & Hedbergite quantities reduced.
- Null Sec Asteroids:
- Scordite, Omber, Kernite, Jaspet, Hemorphite, Hedbergite, Gneiss, Dark Ochre, Crokite & Arkonor quantities reduced.
- Bistot quantity increased.
- Ore Anomalies spawned from Sovereignty Industry Index upgrades:
- Level 1, 2 & 3 respawn times adjusted.
- All variations of Crokite in all levels replaced with the equivalent yield variation of Kernite.
- Gneiss, Dark Ochre & Spodumain quantities reduced.
Third Party Developers
- Fixed skillqueue conversion error. (12/02/2020)
Defect Fixes
- Fixed a problem, which sometimes caused all modules to be offline on ships in Upwell structures.
- Fixed an issue were the assets of a biomassed character would not correctly transfer to their corporation
- Fixed issue that was preventing "Move PLEX to PLEX Vault" functionality from working when in a different solar system than the PLEX. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed issue causing Stack All to fail in some inventory locations, like in containers or corporation hangars. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where contested incursion sites would yield no reward at all. (17/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where drones do not execute mass-commands. (17/02/2020)
- Fixed issue where by the fitted items from Ships in the Ship Maintenance Bay are shown as fitted items of the destroyed ship on Killmails. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue that was causing too many c5 to c6 wormhole connections to appear. (20/02/2020)
- Fixed a problem which caused larger ships to land too close to the wormhole after jumping through. (20/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue, which caused the payout of incursion LP to fail after finishing the final site. (20/02/2020)
- New Eden has been made a better place for everyone. (20/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue were drones abandoned by another player cannot be scooped to drone bay. (27/02/2020)
Graphics and Audio:
- Fixed a post-processing issue on the smaller asteroids when a larger one was occluding the sun.
- Fixed an animation Issue on the Damavik's core VFX while warping.
- Scaled smartbomb visuals to their area of effect.
- Reduced ambient ship SFX for the Triglavian Frigate Nergal.
- Adjusted godray intensity and colors according to the system stars.
- Fixed an issue that caused some sound effects to be unaffected by sliders.
- Modified sunlight occlusion by asteroids.
- Corrected switching between dynamic and classic music with classic EVE music enabled.
- Adjusted speech audio levels for all languages.
- Fixed an issue that allowed boosting SFX to be heard when all advanced audio settings were muted
- Added warp animation sounds for the Gallente Frigates Maulus, Keres, Tristan, and Utu.
- Added warp animation sounds for the Gallente Battleship Dominix, Battlecruiser Talos, and Destroyer Magus
- Adjusted transparency of Minmatar solar sails on gates, structures, deployables, and some ships.
- Fixed visibility of the blueprint icons for the mining drones. (13/02/2020)
- Applied Capsule SKINs now persist after ejecting from a ship or clone jumping. (20/02/2020)
- Fixed issue where characters were not correctly encoded in HyperNet offers for Russian localization.
- Zorya officer module blueprints no longer have market entries.
- Improved search ability of Triglavian ores on the market.
- Enemies in the tutorial now show the correct resistances in their show info windows.
- The Guardian's Gala Venues will no longer spawn in rookie and career agent systems. (20/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue with multifitting that could cause ghost items to appear in the inventory (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue causing the old inventory badges to reappear (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue causing traded ore to not trigger inventory badges properly (18/02/2020)
Text & Descriptions:
- Various text, grammar and punctuation fixes.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the item and solar system filter fields in the HyperNet Relay were not displayed correctly with UI scaling enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the number of joined offers in the history view in the HyperNet Relay would sometimes be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the default price for blueprint copies was based on the market price of the original when creating an offer in the HyperNet Relay.
- Aura's conversation windows no longer animate their exit animations even when the window is minimized
- The Ship Tree window is now correctly reset when using the "Reset to Default Window Position" option
- Fixed an issue where clicking a "Bill issued" notification in the notification feed would break the wallet window if it was already open
- Switching inventory tab with a highlighted search term now correctly clears the highlight
- Pasting a number with decimal places into a field that only accepts whole numbers will now correctly round the number to the nearest whole rather than just remove the decimal separator
- Reprocessing window: Adjusted the opacity of skill bonuses in the tooltip for reprocessing ores.
- Fixed an issue where unrenting corp office didn't remove items from the open reprocessing window.
- Personal Assets Search tab help icon is now consistent with other help icons.
- The Ship Warp Speed column now shows in the compare tool when Only Show Attributes That Differ flag is enabled for ships that have different warp speed.
- Fixed an issue with Forward and Back buttons in info windows.
- Fixed an issue where distance to an object would disappear when at 0m.
- Agent level now has a tooltip in the Agency.
- The golden capsule is now filtered out of the SKINs list.
- Fixed an alignment issue for resources in the Agency.
- Fixed an issue where Agency Damage Boosters would show multiple bonuses in pop-up.
- Fixed an issue where position indicator would remain visible when the same position was selected in the Overview Settings window.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to select unavailable sections in the Agency when in Wormholes.
- Fixed an issue where the behaviour of the strike-through line in the Sell Item window was inconsistent.
- Fixed an issue where the Font Size option became unavailable in the Corporation window.
- Fixed an issue where the back button in the showinfo window would fail if the previous item was a stargate form another system
- Rapidly clicking the "Take Control" button in an Upwell Structure will no longer shows multiple "Pilot in Control" windows showing your own character
- Searching for "Territorial Claim Unit" or "Infrastructure Hub" in the Sovereignty tab of the corporation window now correctly filters for the respective structure type
- Selecting a Skill training tooltip will now only add the skills required to train that skill and ignore any missing nested requirements
- Fixed an issue where simulated fittings would not always appear correctly when swapping between ship and structure fittings
- Hovering over a link now only highlights the current instance of the link rather than also highlighting any duplicate links in the same text box
- Added Minimize and Close options when right-clicking the Agency window header and Neocom icon
- Fixed the alignment of some icons in the Corporation window
- Fixed an issue where the Radial menu would remain visible if active when opening the Settings window
- Fixed an issue where systems without active Incursions sometimes appeared in the Agency window Incursion results
- Fixed an issue where Pointer Window highlights would appear above other windows
- Fixed an issue where the Pointer Window highlight for the Overview would not adjust when the window was resized
- Removed the ability to add decimal places to contract number fields (as contracts would only work with whole ISK amounts)
- Fixed an issue where the loading circle for sites in the Agency window would linger if no sites are available
- Fixed issue that caused different order of command for normal and Upwell stargates
- Fixed issue where the Neocom may be displayed too brightly immediately after login
- Fixed an issue where expanded cargohold modules would not be considered when loading items for Multifit
- The Simulation Fitting browser will now correctly refresh when a subsystem is fit if the 'Hull Restrictions' filter is active
- Fixed an issue where the 'Simulate Fit' option in the Information window of the active ship could fail under some circumstances
- Fixed issue that prevented users from warping fleet to members using the right-click menu.
- Fixed issue where Customs Offices were not appearing in the right-click menu.
- Fixed issue that made it Impossible to invite to the fleet via the right-click menu. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed issue that caused the right-click menu for some Epic Arcs not to work. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed issue that caused the option to 'Resign as CEO' appears in the right-click menu of directors. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed issue that caused the Customs Office in the right-click menu to only appear for the first time. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed issue where double-clicking on a drone icon brings up a blank drone information window. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where filtering by blueprint type in the HyperNet Relay would not work as expected. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where copying contracts would not correctly preserve the price. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where the '<' or '>' symbols in the names of Saved Locations would cause issues. (13/02/2020)
- Entering an extremely large number in "Suppress if balance change under:" field in the wallet settings no longs causes an error number to appear. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where pasting a number with the "ISK" suffix into a price field fails. (13/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue that caused Incorrect fitting warnings for blueprints in cargo. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue that caused the radial menu to not work correctly when interacting with drones. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue that caused an issue when simulating Fleet Members Fittings. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where "Simulate Fit" option fails to show a fit in space when selected via an Information window opened in a Hangar. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where Modules filter in Ship Simulator does not update when subsystems are changed. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue that caused the Related contracts menu to not show. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue that caused misleading tooltips about the player being out of locking range. (18/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue causing consumed cerebral boosters to trigger the badging icon (18/02/2020)
- Fixed UI scaling issue causing items to the right of screen to not be selected when dragging selection box (18/02/2020)
- Fixed a problem with displaying of incursion logs in the journal. (20/02/2020)
- The Rapid Repair and Active Shielding command bursts now once again affect capital remote repair modules (24/02/2020)
- Fixed issue causing some windows to unexpectedly unstack. (27/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where redeeming PLEX occasionally doesn't trigger the inventory badging system. (27/02/2020)
- Fixed an issues where inventory badging system was triggered when moving PLEX to and from the PLEX vault. (27/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where tool tip for Destroyer + Omega Combo bundle are not displaying when using Russian as client language. (27/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue where localized titles are too long on contextual offer for Destroyer Pack offers. (27/02/2020)
- Fixed an issue causing Filaments to use incorrect construction materials for Blueprints. (28/02/2020)