EVE Invasion World Tour: Round Seven - EVE Vegas 2019!

Hello Glorious Capsuleers!
Once again, it’s October. This can only mean one thing. CCP are gearing up to head back to the good old US of A for EVE Vegas 2019!
With less than two weeks until EVE Vegas kicks off, we’re putting the final touches on the presentation schedule, the additional activities, the kick ass party that’ll be happening at OMNIA on Saturday night and a whole host of other madness for the weekend.
We’ve got a brand-new venue this year – The Flamingo Hotel & Casino, and an amazing line up of presentations from both players and developers, roundtables, the silent auction, the legendary Saturday night party that’s also hosted in an entirely new venue this year and some crazy axe throwing that proved to be pretty popular at EVE North earlier in the year!
Tickets are still selling strong and it’s looking like EVE Vegas is going to be massive again this year, firmly taking the crown of the largest EVE Online gathering of 2019. We’ve still got a few tickets left at this stage, so if you haven’t already picked up your EVE Vegas 2019 Access Pass, then now is the time to do so – we anticipate that we’ll be sold out well before the event kicks off on October 25th.
Checking In At EVE Vegas 2019
You’ll be able to check in early and collect your EVE Vegas 2019 Access Pass, as well as tickets and wristbands for additional events that you’re attending from 14:00 on Thursday, October 24th the day before EVE Vegas 2019 kicks off.
Our incredible team of volunteers let by Greygal will be on hand to make sure you have everything you need and that you’re checked in as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Check in will continue throughout each day of the event during program hours for those who arrive a little later.
Check out the map below for details on where registration will be taking place – right at the registration desks in The Flamingo’s corporate convention center – the area highlighted in orange.
The Flamingo!
Above is a map of the whole of The Flamingo’s corporate convention center so that you can get your bearings, but as the image below shows, there’s only part of it you’ll need to navigate for EVE Vegas 2019!
We’ll be using the following rooms over the course of the weekend, which will be fully signposted so that attendees know where everything is!
- Vista
This will be the main presentation room where we’ll be hosting the Opening and closing ceremonies, the EVE Keynote and a selection of both developer and player presentations.
- Scenic
This room will play host to the Las Vegas leg of the Invasion Tournament Series, with ample space for those who’d like to watch the carnage!
- Twilight
Twilight will not contain sparkly vampires. It will be host to the EVE Store over the course of the weekend, along with a large hangout area and secondary viewing area for the EVE Vegas Live Stream for those who want to chill and watch presentations from there.
- Reno 1
Over the course of the weekend, EVE Vegas attendees will get the chance to try out the latest build of EVE Echoes in this room.
- Reno 2
This will be the primary roundtable room for the duration of the weekend, hosting all our developer roundtables over the course of EVE Vegas.
- Laughlin 2
Laughlin 2 will be our secondary presentation room, where we’ll have several player and developer presentations during of the weekend!
The Schedule
The schedule will be packed with both player and developer content this year but has been laid oud in a simple format that’s easy to follow. For the first time at EVE Vegas, there’ll be two presentation rooms this year!
You can find the digital schedule over at evevegas2019.sched.com – but here’s a few highlights!
Please be aware that the schedule is of course subject to change!
EVE Vegas 2019 will kick off with the opening ceremony – Welcome To EVE Vegas – at 15:00 PDT / 22:00 UTC
After great success last year, we’ll be starting the program at 11:00 PDT / 17:00 UTC each day to allow pilots who’ve taken full advantage of the crazy Vegas nightlife to hydrate, clone jump if they need to, and prepare themselves for the day ahead.
Here’s a brief rundown of some of the player and developer presentations that’ll be occurring, which will of course be supplemented by roundtables over the course of the weekend.
(All times are PDT / UTC)
Day One – October 25th
- 15:00 / 22:00 – Welcome To EVE Vegas
- 16:00 / 23:00 – EVE Online Keynote (CCP Burger)
Day Two – October 26th
- 11:00 / 18:00 – EVE Core - Gameplay Update (CCP Rise)
- 12:00 / 19:00 – The EVE Variety Hour! (CCP Paradox & CCP Wonderboy)
- 13:00 / 20:00 – Too Many FCs (Johnny Splunk)
- 14:00 / 21:00 – Bigger Than Thera: Imaging M87's Supermassive Black Hole (Ansla En Thielles)
- 15:00 / 22:00 – DirectX 12 – Past, Present & Future (CCP Filipp)
- 15:00 / 22:00 – Return To The Moon (Max Singularity)
- 16:00 / 23:00 – The Glorious CCP AMA – EVE Vegas Edition
Day Three – October 27th
- 11:00 / 18:00 – Data & Botting (CCP Larrikin)
- 12:00 / 18:00 – The EVE Friendship Machine (CCP Ghost)
- 14:00 / 21:00 – Art Of EVE (CCP Myrkur & CCP BlueScreen)
- 14:00 / 21:00 – How To Lead Without Being A CEO (Dunk Dinkle)
- 15:00 / 22:00 – Mildly Interesting Things & Such (CCP Convict)
- 16:00 / 23:00 – Closing Ceremony
Please be aware that the line-up is of course subject to change, so be sure to keep up to date by checking the digital schedule.
All the major events, announcements and information from EVE Vegas 2019 will be streamed live on the CCP Twitch Channel for free, so if you can’t attend, you won’t miss out!
All content from the main presentation room will be live streamed over the course of the weekend, while presentations from the secondary presentation room will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube as part of the EVE Vegas 2019 playlist once the event concludes!
Assisting us with the livestream this year we’ll have BjornBee, who’ll be co-hosting with CCP Antiquarian over the course of the weekend.
We’ll also have the Streamfleet crew working as hard as ever behind the scenes to make sure that the stream runs smoothly – if you see this crew when you’re in Vegas, give them a huge hug – they’ve been working hard all year to bring streaming content to the wider community outside World Tour events!
Keep your eyes on the news and the CCP Twitch channel for more details in the coming days that will include the full streaming schedule. Be sure to follow us on twitter and facebook for more updates over the course of the EVE Vegas weekend!
Additional Activities!
Over the course of the EVE Vegas weekend we’ll have a few extra activities outside the presentation schedule itself.
Here’s a quick rundown of what’ll be going on!
Axe Throwing – Thursday October 24th – 19:30
We had an amazing time at BATL Axe Throwing in Toronto during EVE North, so we’re bringing a new tradition (sort of!) to EVE Vegas too!
We’ll be heading to Axe Monkeys Las Vegas to throw some sharp pointy metal at walls. This will include hatchets, axes and even ninja stars, so if you want to get your Shinobi on and see how good you are at throwing sharp things around, be sure to head on over to Eventbrite and pick up your tickets for this awesome additional event!
Pub Crawl – Friday October 25th – 19:00
A couple of years back we experienced an amazing pub crawl – away from the strip over in the old heart of Las Vegas.
The Friday night Pub Crawl has been an indispensable part of the EVE Vegas conference for years. Many memorable stories have been created in and out of bars in different parts of Las Vegas, and the event has proven to be a great night for developers and players to kick things off and socialize over a drink, two drinks, many drinks...
Buses will transport participants to and from Flamingo, with each attendee getting specially-designed poker chips to use as payment at the venues.
Each Pub Crawl group will be hosted by a designated EVE Online developer, with sign-up for each group opening at the EVE Vegas registration desk on Friday at 2pm.
You can grab your tickets to the Pub Crawl over on the EVE Vegas Eventbrite page too!
Saturday Night Party!
This year we’re moving the Saturday night EVE Vegas party across the strip to the incredible OMNIA nightclub at Caesar’s Palace.
We’ll be hosting in both the Heart of OMNIA and out on the roof terrace that overlooks the strip too, with an open bar for all EVE Vegas attendees.
The party kicks off at 19:30 and of course, we’ll have an exclusive Permaband performance as part of the evening!
Attendees should be aware that this year, there will be a dress code for the whole evening.
You can find more information on the OMNIA dress code over on their website, as pictured above.
They’ve also provided us with a definition of the dress code too:
- No Sneakers, Tennis Shoes, Work Boots or Sandals (Male)
- regardless of Brand Name or Value
- No Athletic Wear
- No Shorts
- No Hats (Male)
Charity Ventures
As a part of EVE Vegas, each year we host several charity initiatives to raise funds for a worthy cause.
This year, we’ll once again be looking to donate proceeds that are raised during EVE Vegas 2019 to AbleGamers.
Character Avatar Buttons!
This year our amazing EVE Vegas volunteers will be manning the button factory to provide attendees with badges custom-printed with their in-game avatars! At EVE Vegas 2018 the community raised $5,562 just with the buttons alone – our amazing volunteers are hoping we beat that record this year!
CONCORD Pilot Licenses!
For the first time ever, the EVE Vegas Volunteers will be custom printing your very own CONCORD Pilots License on demand!
These plastic ID-style cards have been issued by the CONCORD Assembly and will let it be known to all other residents of New Eden that you are, indeed, a capsuleer!
Both the avatar buttons and pilots’ licenses will be available starting Thursday afternoon through mid-day Sunday at the registration desk area. All you need to do is donate to Able Gamers in any amount to get yours!
(Thanks to Rixx Javix for designing these!)
Silent Auction
In addition to the buttons and pilots’ licenses, our fabulous volunteers will be hosting a silent auction over the course of EVE Vegas. There will be a variety of EVE collectible items, 3D printed ship models, player-created art work, and more.
If you'd like to donate something to the silent auction, just bring it by the EVE Vegas registration area from Thursday afternoon through early Saturday morning, and we'll add it to the auction!
Call For Swag!
Want to promote your EVE corporation, alliance or other EVE-related service? Stickers, coasters, cards, postcards, pins, balls, whatever!
Bring them to one of the volunteers by 6pm Wednesday, October 23rd and they’ll include it into the EVE Vegas Welcome loot bags! You'll find our volunteers in the event area at the Flamingo.
They'll be stuffing between 1,000 – 1,200 welcome bags!
You can bring as much or as little swag as you want to put in the bags - if it's less than 1,000 – 1,200, your swag will be put into random bags.
If you won't be there by Wednesday 6pm, contact Greygal on the EVE Vegas Volunteers discord to plan to mail your swag in advance, or you can drop it off at any time and the volunteers will put your swag on the registration tables to hand out as people check in.
Of course, you can always hand out your swag personally throughout the weekend!
The EVE Store!
As always at EVE Vegas, we'll see the EVE Store present throughout the event so that pilots from across the globe can pick up swag at great prices.
From t-shirts to hoodies, glasses and all manner of spaceship related paraphernalia, there's something for everyone!
Come along and check it out during the event to score great deals on spaceship swag!
EVE Vegas Milestones!
While we’re always looking toward the future at EVE Vegas, we also want to celebrate the past – including milestones and achievements of members of the community!
Weddings? 100th birthdays? 70th wedding anniversaries? Other crazy milestones in your real life or EVE life?
Shoot the Community Team an email on communityteam@ccpgames.com if you’d like to share with us!
The CCP Art Corner!
After it proved popular at many other events and at EVE Vegas last year, we’ll also have a dedicated EVE art corner that pilots can drop in and be part of.
CCP Myrkur and CCP BlueScreen will be looking over some of the art assets in EVE Online and showing off some effects, graphics and fun stuff, so come on down and check it out to look behind the scenes of art creation in EVE Online!
EVE Vegas 2019 is getting closer and as we finish up squaring away the last of the event organization, excitement is building here at CCP.
We’re super excited to be shipping out to the USA soon for three days of awesome spaceship fun.
If you don’t already have your tickets, then you can pick them up at vegas.eveonline.com.
You can also read more about EVE Vegas 2019 over on the EVE Vegas website, including more about all the additional activities and a full list of developers who’ll be attending this year.
We’ll see you all there, or we’ll see you in twitch chat!
On Behalf Of The EVE Vegas Team