EVE Vegas 2019 Update & New Plans for 2020!

We’re super happy to announce that we’ve just passed the milestone of 800 ticket sales for EVE Vegas 2019, with the event is shaping up to be one of the most epic we’ve ever hosted.
This year we’ll be heading to the Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, right at the heart of the famous strip for an awesome celebration of all things internet spaceships.
Forming one of the cornerstones of the EVE Invasion World Tour, EVE Vegas 2019 will be packed with presentations, roundtables and content, as well as additional events for pilots to sink their teeth in.
Additional Events
Since no one lost limbs or heads during the axe throwing event at EVE North, (although we did find out that Steve Ronuken is DANGEROUS), we’ll be looking to host another bout of throwing sharp objects at wood in Vegas.
Tickets will be on sale for this soon, along with tickets to the Friday night Pub Crawl. That’s right, we’ll be heading out on a full-scale pub crawl again this year, once again taking a trip into downtown Las Vegas to enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of Fremont Street and the surrounding area.
Party At OMNIA
One of the most anticipated parts of EVE Vegas is always the traditional Saturday night party. For the last couple of years we’ve hosted this at Drai’s Beach Club & Nightclub, however this year we’re going to be moving the celebrations directly across the street to OMNIA – the incredible nightclub at Caesar’s Palace!
We’ll have one of their largest and most comfortable rooms secured for our pilots to enjoy, as well as the rooftop terrace bar that overlooks the Las Vegas strip.
There’ll be open bar service for most of the night, with drinks flowing and music playing for pilots to relax, mingle and enjoy talking internet spaceships.
Exclusive EVE Invasion World Tour Permaband Set
We’re also delighted to announce that we’ll have an EVE Invasion World Tour exclusive Permaband performance at EVE Vegas 2019, with the Permaband crew taking to the stage at OMNIA for a performance in celebration of New Eden, the community, and the amazing stories that you guys continue to write.
And yes, the artist formerly known as CCP Guard will be joining us for the performance in Vegas!
EVE Invasion World Tour Tickets
Tickets for EVE Vegas 2019 are already on sale and tickets for additional events will be available very soon as we start to finalize the schedule and get the last parts of organizing the event completed.
Tickets for G-Fleet are also still currently on sale, which takes place September 13 & 14, and tickets for EVE London, the final stop on the EVE Invasion World Tour calendar will be available toward the end of this week.
Invasions, Tours & The Future
We’ve learned a lot while hosting the EVE Invasion World Tour this year and it’s been amazing to see so many new faces at events given that we’ve hosted official CCP gatherings in so many places over the course of 2019.
The key takeaway for us from the World Tour is that it’s amazing to switch things up, try new things, and visit new places. It’s been great to take a deeper look at the community and get insights from different areas of the world. It’s also awesome to see how different cultures across the globe change the approach our community has when playing EVE.
Europe - 2020
We’ll be returning to the incredible Harpa for Fanfest 2020 next year from April 2 – 4 and with everything we’ve learned from the world tour, there are a few more changes that we’d like to make to next year’s line-up of events.
The first change we’d like to make is to include an official Russian event on the roster for 2020. Visiting St. Petersburg with an official event this year as part of the World Tour was amazing and it was fantastic to see so many of our Russian players come out to talk spaceships, raise a few (large) glasses and party.
Next year we’re going to move the fun to Moscow – the heart of the Russian Federation – and we’d like to invite all our Russian speakers to come along for the ride. Seeing the enthusiasm and passion for EVE that our Russian players has pumped us up in a big way, and this is a part of our community that’s been under represented in our official events framework for too long.
We want to change that – so we’re looking forward to visiting the Russian capital next year.
We’ll also be looking to support events across Europe in 2020 as we have done over the course of previous years and would love to see event organizers continue to reach out to us – there’s some amazing heritage in our events line-up that we’d love to continue to promote.
North America - 2020##
One of the largest changes we’ll be making to the events roster in 2020 will be how we choose to focus on North American events.
Visiting Toronto for EVE North was incredible, and there are a whole myriad of events in the United States that are springing up in support of internet spaceships.
We want to visit more of North America so that we can reach out to more of our US and Canadian player base, so for 2020 we’ll be transitioning away from Las Vegas and heading to another city in the US.
EVE Vegas has been an incredible ride. It kicked off more than a decade ago as a fantastic player created and hosted event which saw developers arrive on the scene and start attending in 2013 – more than a dozen of us in fact!
Since then, it’s grown year on year consistently and we’re confident that EVE Vegas 2019 is going to be the biggest and best yet!
That said, what we’ve seen with the World Tour is that we’re able to meet much more players by visiting more locations. We’ve been bringing the beauty of an EVE event to more players than ever, and we’ve also had the opportunity to gain a better understanding of various EVE communities. We want to keep that theme going, so it’s time to switch things up, and we’ve decided to make a hop right over to the west coast and host in San Diego for our 2020 North American event.
We’ll be going for a different vibe of course, given that we’re going to the south west of the US. There’s a heavy density of EVE players in the area, so we’re expecting something awesome.
Over the course of the last few weeks we’ve made a scouting trip out to California, looking at several hotels and venues. We’re pretty excited by what we’ve seen so far, and plans are already starting to form for a 2020 west coast event.
Global Events In 2020 & Beyond
Of course, we’ve already mentioned the US, Europe and our amazing Russian community, who we’ll be visiting in 2020. There are also events in other areas of the world – for instance, Australia, where we’ve had an awesome string of events over the course of the last half decade. Depending on how events in other parts of the world shape up as we roll into the New Year, we’ll be more than happy to lend a hand and despatch some developers to come talk spaceships.
Event organizers should be sure to get in touch with us to see how we can assist.
North America – The Future
Even though we won’t be hosting an official event in Vegas in 2020, we’re aware of the importance of EVE Vegas and the love that some of our players have for it.
We’re more than happy to support the gathering going forward if there are any pilots who feel like they’d want to continue to organize an event on the strip as part of our incredible group of community organizers and hosts. We’ve already reached out to some volunteers, to give them a heads-up on this announcement.
Away from Vegas, the EVE Invasion World Tour has taught us that shaking things up and trying new things is always fun, so in 2021 we’ll be looking for another city to host our major North American event. From there, we’ll keep switching things up as we go forward!
Regardless of the changes that are coming up, we’re super stoked for EVE Vegas 2019 as well as the rest of the EVE Invasion World Tour as we rock toward the finale in London toward the back end of November.
If you haven’t already grabbed your tickets for EVE Vegas then be sure to do so, you can pick them up here.
Tickets are also still on sale for G-Fleet. You can find them here, along with more information about the event.
Tickets for the grand finale of the EVE Invasion World Tour at EVE London will be available in a matter of days too, so keep your eyes on the EVE Community news feed for more details!
We’re looking forward to seeing many of you at the rest of the events this year and raising a glass!