Changes To The Recruitment Program Coming Soon!

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Since we launched the new recruitment program last July, we’ve been looking closely at how it’s being used and what kind of rewards we’re issuing as part of the incentive to invite friends into New Eden.
As always, the main objective of the recruitment program is to allow existing pilots in EVE to invite their friends to join them in New Eden in a way that benefits both parties.
When we launched the new program last year, we mentioned that we’d be looking to change up the rewards depending on how they were being claimed and how the recruitment program was being used. With this in mind, we’ll be making some changes to the recruitment program on Monday, based on the last year of player behavior.
The recruitment program is one of our best tools for bringing new pilots into NewEden via referral, and we sincerely believe in its importance.
Looking at metrics, we think you guys do too, given how much you use it, so we want to work with the community to keep it fresh and fun for both referring veterans and the rookies who’re joining the community through this channel.
That said, there are some rewards – primarily the PLEX reward – that have been abused over the course of the last year, so we’re going to look at switching them out to see how this impacts the program going forward.
On Monday, we’ll be making a few changes:
- New recruits will receive more Skill Points from the program.
- Reward one will replace reward three and be doubled for the recruiter.
- Reward two will be changed to give omega time instead of PLEX for the recruiter.
When these changes are implemented, the rewards will stand as follows:
- New recruits will receive 1,000,000 skill points (increased from 750,000).
- Recruiter will receive 4x 24h accelerators when their recruit purchases PLEX.
- Recruiter will receive 15 days of Omega time when their recruit purchases Omega time.
As always, we want to work together with the community to make New Eden a better place, so we’d love to hear your feedback on these changes over the course of the weekend.
We will of course be looking to switch the rewards up again at some point in the future, and the recruitment program is something we want to continue to co-develop with input from the community.
We want to hear your feedback about the recruitment program, especially if you have ideas for the reward structure, but also if you have feedback on the flow, UI/UX changes, or anything else that you think could help make the process moreawesome.