Patch Notes for Apocrypha

Patch notes for Apocrypha, released 10 March 2009
Table of Contents
Our Classic client has been retired to make way for Premium Lite, bringing higher quality graphics to users with lower end PCs. With Apocrypha we discontinue support for ShaderModel 1, making ShaderModel 2 the minimum requirement (GeForce FX (5 series) or ATi R300 series cards or compatible) and discontinue the "Classic client" version of EVE, replacing it with "Premium Lite." CCP Zulupark provides full details in his blog The results are in; EVE and ShaderModel support.
A brand new Ramsan 500 has been added to our database server which allows us to have much faster storage. This means that we will see a number of improvements in the future that will shorten daily downtimes, result in faster expansion deployments, and reduce database lag. How MOZO is that!? CCP Mindstar provides much more in depth techno talk in his blog Apocrypharrrrrdware!
Existing scan probe launchers, probes and blueprints will automatically convert to the new variety. For people with existing launchers/probes/BPs: all existing launchers become Expanded launchers of the right type, all exploration probes (including multispecs) become Core probes, all ship probes become Combat probes, all observators become Deep Space probes. Sisters versions remain sisters versions. BPs are changed in the same way.
Appearing randomly throughout New Eden, gateways to the unknown will open up access to thousands of new solar systems, new Tech 3 technology, new resources and deadly new enemies, The Sleepers, who have awakened to defend their space with deadly force. With new scanning mechanics you will eventually find these new areas of space which are rich in resources but are heavily guarded. CCP Whisper explains more in his blog Building a new bridge to the stars.
Wormholes will bring a whole new level of adventure and exploration for every pilot who dares to probe out an entrance to the unknown. CCP Abathur, in his blog, The darkness at the end of the tunnel tells us about the laws of Wormhole space, the use of starbases, mass effects and tactical environments.
Custom build your next ship! New technology found in Wormhole Space allows players to research, manufacture and fly the next generation of cruisers. Thousands of combinations are possible due to the modular subsystem design Tech 3 brings to ship creation. Flying a Tech 3 Strategic Cruiser is also easier skill-wise than that of Tech 2 ships. Each ship you create can be used to provide more firepower, better defences and many more variations. CCP Nozh tells us more in his blog Strategic Cruisers: a new breed.
Tech II versions of the Codebreaker, Analyzer and Salvager mini-profession modules have been introduced.
Tech II Gas Cloud Harvesters have been introduced.
Players can now schedule automatic training of multiple skills. The new interface offers filters, a graphical display of the total queue and the ability to pause or resume the queue at any point in its progress. The skill training system allows you to queue skills that will start training over a 24-hour period. You can enter in up to 50 skills in a queue, as long as they all start training within 24 hours. CCP Eris Discordia tells us why More Queue Queue is the way of the future.
Character attribute distribution can now be rearranged in order to diversify or specialize skill training. This means that you can now reallocate attribute points once per year. CCP Flatboy tells us how neural remapping works in his blog A Virgin Mind.
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
Manufacturing outposts can now manufacture the strategic cruiser hull and subsystems.
Research outposts can now reverse engineer ancient relics.
The Experimental Laboratory is now available on the market where reverse engineering is possible.
The Subsystem Assembly Array is now available on the market and can manufacture strategic cruiser hulls and subsystems.
The Polymer Reactor Array is now available on the market and is capable of reacting hybrid polymers used in Tech III component manufacture.
The Hybrid Polymer Silo is now available on the market and is capable of storing hybrid polymers.
Character Creation and New Player Experience
Rebuilt from the ground up, the new player tutorial reveals the many career paths a player can embark on while arming them with the knowledge and gear necessary to start carving their niche in New Eden. The character creation windows are now simpler and easier to follow, attributes can now be re-arranged once per year and new player missions have been revamped to educate players on industry, business and military occupations. CCP Fear provides more details in his blog Your Revamped Rookie - Part 1.
The Sleepers lay in waiting beyond the wormholes, guarding resources and technologies considered to be of significant power and value back in known space. They will not give up their treasures easily as they are masters of teamwork and manoeuvring. Expect an enemy that works as a team, identifies your weaknesses and protects its own. Full details of the new NPC’s can be found in the blog by CCP Ytterbium When evolution leaps forward.
New AI will be applied to the Sleeper NPC’s which allows them to prioritize and change targets at will. This makes PvE combat feel more like PvP. These NPC’s will now repair each other, change targets based on offensive capabilities, logistics or ECM threat. CCP Incognito provides much more detail in his blog How the AI pew pews the player.
Pirate factions have switched to tougher ships in low security space to prey upon unsuspecting Capsuleers. Low security space will now see battleships appear in the asteroid fields.
Agents & Missions
Spanning multiple regions of space, new epic mission arcs will take players on a journey through all four empires beginning with character creation. As the story progresses and the rewards grow more enticing, pilots will be faced with the decision of which side to fight for in the final battle. CCP Molock tells us more in his blog Should you choose to accept it.
Exploration & Deadspace
Scanning in New Eden has been completely revamped in order for Capsuleers to probe out Wormholes and explore the vast riches in Wormhole Space. Modules, skills and implants have all been changed to allow for the new scanning methodology. CCP Greyscale explains all of these changes in his illustrated blog New Blog: Sick in the back of an Astra: A travel blog.
We have doubled the number of exploration sites in known space. Every aspect of exploration has received a boost including Booster manufacturing, hacking, archaeology and combat exploration sites. CCP Dropbear tells us more in his blog Getting High on Your Own Supply
Science & Industry
Pillage wrecks of ancient Sleeper ships and salvage relics of ancient technology! New Experimental Laboratories allow you to reverse engineer Sleeper relics to build the blueprints for manufacturing Tech 3 components. CCP Chronotis explains how this is all possible in his blog How do I build a Strategic Cruiser?
Reverse engineering has been added as an activity type.
Tech II versions of the codebreaker, analyzer and salvager can now be invented.
Tech II version of the Gas Cloud Harvester can now be invented.
The Gas Cloud Harvester I Blueprint is now available to buy at various NPC stations around the galaxy.
Hybrid Polymer reactions used in Tech III production are now available on the market.
Hybrid Component Blueprints used in Tech III production are now available on the market.
Sound Improvments
An assault on all the senses! Improvements have been made to offer a crisper, richer sound experience, such as unique sounds for NPCs. We’ve set the stage for some amazing future improvements. CCP Real X gives us the low down in his blog EVE Music - Getting inside Real X
Asteroid fields have been revamped and glorious new asteroids will appear in New Eden. From the huge Veldspar boulders down to the fine crystals of Crokite, the new stunning visuals are a joy to behold. CCP VanishingPoint tells us more in his blog Miners Rejoice.
As part of our ongoing effort to bring cutting edge graphics to EVE’s players, almost every effect in game has been redone, from pulse lasers to gate warping and from shield hardeners to energy drain. In addition, almost everything within wormhole space is new, including the wormholes themselves and gorgeous new nebulas, which are a taste of things to come.
User Interface
There is no shortage of customization in EVE, from overview settings to ship fittings. Now players can export their favourite settings, catalogue them for easy reference and share them amongst corp mates. CCP Fendahl gives us a look at the new fitting screen in his blog New Fitting Screen in Apocrypha.
When pressing ctrl new targets will be added to the bottom of the overview and not shuffled around. Targets which have left since you froze the overview will be greyed out. When you release ctrl the targets will shuffle and your overview will update normally.
Graphics take a leap forward for Mac Users! The beauty of Trinity engine graphics shines through in the Apocrypha release of the Mac client.
Localized Clients
EVE Online now boasts complete language support in game, a new knowledge base, and expanded customer support team for our new localized Russian client. CCP Caedmon talks about the Russian and Japanese clients in his blog Machine Translation's Bad, M'kay?
The notepad has had some key functionality added. Pressing "Home" goes to the beginning of the current line while "ctrl+Home" goes to the beginning of the first line. Pressing "End" goes to the end of the current line while "ctrl+End" goes to the end of the last line. "Page up" now scrolls up and "Page down" scrolls down.
Need for Speed
The Decorations tab will now be dynamically loaded in order to reduce the amount of database calls required each time it is requested.
Changes have been made to the price history field in the market to increase performance significantly when searching through old price histories of items which have had no market activity for 100 days or more.
The "Leave Ship" option in the context menu has been removed when a player is in a capsule.
The "Open Fitting" option in the context menu of a ship in space has been changed to "Use fitting Service". You can open the fitting service (fitting your own ship) if the other ship's owner is you, your corp, your gang mate or corp mate
The base agility of Caldari freighters has been adjusted to better balance the counterparts of the other 3 races. The agility of the Caldari Freighter and Jump freighter has been slightly increased.
Rookie ships now have 0 rig slots and 0 calibration points.
Probe launchers will now come in two varieties; The Core Launcher and Expanded Launcher. The Core Launcher will have a fitting requirement of 15 cpu and can only launch probes which are capable of exploration. The Expanded launcher will have a fitting requirement of 220 cpu and can launch probes capable of scanning for ships, drones and exploration sites. Sisters of EVE variations of the Core and Expanded launchers will receive a scan strength bonus along with a slightly faster cycle time for launching probes and reduced cpu fitting requirements.
Probes have been changed and three new probe types have been created to replace the previous probe types (Snoop, Fathom etc.). These probes are the Core Probe which can fit in either the Core or Expanded probe launcher which will find exploration sites, the Combat Probe which can fit in the Expanded Probe Launcher only and finds all types of signatures and the Deep Space Probe which can fit in the Expanded Launcher only and replace the Observator Probe of old. Sisters of EVE variations with higher strength will also be available.
Cloaking devices now deactivate when a cloaked ship is within 2500m of any station or stargate.
'Contour' Reflective Plating I and 'Spiegel' Reflective Plating I will no longer show up as storyline variants of Reflective Plating. These modules will now display the correct meta level.
The description of all forms of cloaking devices has been changed to read "Fitting two or more cloaking devices to a ship negates their use as unsynchronized light deflection causes interference." Players should be fitting only one cloaking device per ship.
Drones can now be controlled up to 250 km away from the owners’ ship with the proper skills, implants and rigs.
The electronic warfare displays will now show the effects of electronic warfare drones which have successfully webbed, damped, target disrupted or jammed a player ship.
The Signal Acquisition skill is now called Astrometric Triangulation and gives a strength bonus.
The Astrometric Triangulation skill is now called Astrometric Acquisition and gives a scan time bonus.
The Astrometrics skill gives you +1 probes active per level, starting with 4 at level 1.
The skills Marketing, Procurement, Day Trading and Visibility will now state "Limited to Current Region" rather than "Limited to 50 jumps" when trained to Level V.
The skill requirements for the Tracking Disruptor II have been upgraded to Weapon Disruption 4, in line with other T2 modules.
The skill “CFO Training” has been removed from the character sheet.
All rigs, implants and ship bonuses giving a duration bonus to scanning on Tranquility currently will now give a strength bonus, and vice versa. The exception to this is the Virtue implant set which keep giving strength bonuses.
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
The component assembly array has been changed to not have a material waste multiplier (is now 1.0)
The component assembly array now manufactures the Hybrid Tech Components and Data Interfaces.
The rapid / equipment assembly array has been changed to manufacture only items under the category modules or deployables.
The System Scanner Array has been recalled by its manufacturers for faulty wiring and you can redeem your original purchase cost by selling them back to various NPC corporations.
It is no longer possible to construct station warehouses at the equipment assembly array at a starbase. The volume of the completed item is much too large to be stored at this location.
The cynosural field generated by a starbase structure cynosural generator will now allow all ships to jump bridge through with a Titan even if some of those players are in different corporations and alliances than the Titan pilot. Previously the starbase cynosural generator would only allow members of the Titan pilots’ alliance to Jump Bridge through. Cynosural generators created by a ship remain unchanged as they allowed all ships to jump bridge with the Titan.
All racial Freighter cargo holds can now carry a Capital Ship Assembly array with freighter skill level 4. The Capital Ship Assembly array has been resized to 850k m3, down from 900.
Boosters and Implants
High grade and low grade snake implant sets now display the correct bonuses.
Poteque Pharmaceuticals has issued a recall on their Draftsman range of hardwiring implants which were released with severe faults in the neural processors. Players can now sell their Draftsman implants back to NPCs at various stations. The GI-1 can be sold for 25 million ISK and the GI-2 can be sold back for 200 million ISK.
Character Creation and New Player Experience
The AURA tutorial for Corporations has been revised and will now be six pages in length instead of seven. The page which has been removed is regarding Corporation recruitment advertising in Help channels.
The audio and tutorial concerning EVE mail has been removed. A new tutorial will be added at a later date.
Agents & Missions
We have modified the format of the mission dialogue window. Accepting and declining missions is now accomplished via clicking the appropriate buttons in the new UI.
Time remaining in missions and for bonus rewards is now displayed as a duration rather than as an end time. (That is, “you have 3 hours and 27 minutes” rather than “you must complete the mission by 6:23pm GMT.”)
The mission "Alluring Emanations" will now only be issued by Level 1 agents.
The warning mission when entering the mission "What´s in a Name - Poke (3/5)" will now display the text "Attention, you are approaching a Gallente Federation vessel on official exercises. Turn back now.”
Thukker Mix or Trust Partners will no longer give kill missions against the Minmatar Republic.
The time taken for the second wave of NPC's to arrive in the mission "Intercept the Pirate Smugglers" has been reduced by 40%.
The mission description of "Balancing the Books (3 of 10)" now states that the player must visit the mission site to complete the mission even if they already have the mission objective in their hangar.
Science & Industry
When a player tries to remotely manufacture a blueprint without the skill required for it, a message will now state "You are 0 jumps away from this installation and you lack the required Supply Chain Management skill for manufacturing or Scientific Networking for research to remotely manage your Science & Industry jobs.
Bomb blueprints will now show correctly in the bomb blueprint group instead of the missile blueprint group under contracts.
The deep core mining laser I blueprint can now be used to invent a modulated deep core mining laser II BPC.
Market & Contracts
Probe launchers will now appear in the market window under Ship Equipment > Turrets and Bays.
The "Description (Optional)" field in page 3 of 4 when creating a loan contract has been changed to read "Description" and must be populated.
It is no longer possible to spam requests for "Get contracts" in the My Contracts tab. The button will now be disabled for five seconds after it is initially pressed.
The SCC has responded to demand and further sub-categorized the Hardwiring implant market groups to allow Capsuleers to more easily browse the available range of hardwiring implants by type of effect they have
Corporation & Alliance
Alliances will now receive a mail reminding them that maintenance bills are due in the next 24 hours.
User Interface
The Boolean selector (and/or) has been removed when initially opening the "Find member in a role" option in the corporation page. The selector will display when at least one query line is already there.
Previously you would tab from the username to the drop down arrow and then to the password. Now it tabs directly from username to password.
EVE disables the sound engine (but not EVE Voice) if SSE support is not detected. It does not prevent EVE from starting. More information on SSE can be found at Streaming SIMD Extensions
Using the jump clone service will no longer cause client lock ups or problems with modules after jumping.
World Shaping
Jumping into systems that have not yet loaded following a downtime will no longer cause so many issues.
Need for Speed
Accepting a Factional Warfare mission or jumping into a Factional Warfare system will no longer generate errors in the logserver. This change will lead to faster loading which is always great.
Attempting to re-board your own capsule when docked in a station will no longer start a 30 second cool down period before being able to board another ship. Now you can click on another ship in your hangar and board immediately.
When refining ore from a corporation hangar in a Rorqual, when you select 'to hangar and refine' in a station with a corp office the minerals end up in the same division as where the ore was stored in the ship. When you do so in a station without office the minerals move to the personal hangar.
The bonuses for the Cynabal now correctly match the description
The description of both the Wolf and Jaguar have been clarified to read "5% small projectile damage bonus"
The Worm has been added to the variation tab of the Merlin frigate
The description of the Guardian now clearly states that it belongs to the "Augoror" class of ships.
Unnecessary line breaks have been removed from the Rifter's description.
Launching more than two ships from a ship maintenance bay will now work as intended and no exception error will be generated.
A typographical error has been fixed in the description of the Wreathe.
Republic Fleet warp scrambler now deactivates micro warp drives as intended.
Synthetic Hull Conversion Reinforced Bulkheads I, Synthetic Hull Conversion Overdrive Injector I and Synthetic Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure I now have a variations tab in their show-info window, and are listed as a variant in the show info windows of the other meta versions of the module. In addition, these modules are listed as possible options in the "select item type" window when searching for an item type in contracts, or auto-linking to an item type in a chat window.
We have deleted the zydrine material entry which had a zero quantity when recycling a small electrochemical capacitor booster I.
There is now the 'bridge to member' option in the context menu for a broadcasted beacon while using a covert jump portal generator.
You are now able to compare module types from the "Deployable" category.
The COSMOS versions of sensor strength backup arrays are now listed as variants of those items.
The COSMOS versions of sensor strength backup arrays are now listed as variants of those items.
A typographical error has been fixed in the description of the Improved Cloaking Device II.
A typographical error in the description of Shield Boost Amplifiers has been fixed.
A typographical error has been fixed in the description of all damage control modules.
Grammatical errors have been corrected in the description of the module Analyzer I.
A static data issue regarding rate of fire bonuses has been fixed on various hybrid, missile and projectile rigs.
The Anti Explosive Pump II rig will now show the correct meta group in the variations tab and comparison tool.
Weapons & Ammunition
The "Rage" missile description has been modified for clarity.
A warning message is now displayed upon removing weapons from a weapon group when a player is using the fitting services at a capital ship. Previously the group would be destroyed with no message meaning players would need to regroup all weapons.
Praetor, Acolyte and Infiltrator EV-type drones now function correctly and neutralise the correct amount of energy from their targets.
Dragonfly and Templar fighters will now engage a target and function correctly.
Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
Starbases have received an overhaul. We have cleaned up the production entities to handle checking of supplies and outputs more gracefully. Starbases will, in general, be more efficient in terms of their evaluation - unlinked structures are no longer evaluated at all and less code is executed when calculating the evaluation order. They will also properly stall out like a production pipeline and no longer "lose" inputs or outputs by halting mid-cycle when setups are disrupted.
Clicking multiple times on "Assume Control" of a battery at a starbase will now display a message stating whether you have control or if you are assuming control of the structure.
The starbase structure control management window will now update changes within a couple of seconds when pilots are assuming control of any modules at a starbase.
The correct bonus is now displayed and applied to silo capacities which are deployed at Gallente medium and large towers.
A notify message will now display when trying to assume control of an unanchored module at a starbase.
A message will no longer appear asking "Do you want to remove all links between structures" on a starbase if the control tower has no links set up.
An exception error is no longer generated when accessing the management window for a reinforced control tower.
Boosters and Implants
The description of all Crystal implants now state that the implants do not affect capital modules.
A typographical error has been fixed in the description of Standard X-Instinct Boosters
Character Creation and New Player Experience
The Channel & Mailing List tutorial window will now display properly and no buttons will overlap.
An exception error is no longer generated when changing the selection on the tutorial group.
The button in the "Informative: Corporation (2 of 7)" tutorial page will now ask you to click "Next" instead of "Ok" to continue.
The Damage Control I will now appear correctly in the players hangar when accessing Tutorials tab>Beginner Tutorials> "Crash Course" in the 9th bar of the tutorial.
A typographical error in the "Crash Course: In Station - Hangar movement (1 of 2)" has been corrected.
Two typographical errors have been corrected in the Crash Course 'Manufacturing' on pages 1 & 3.
A typographical error in the targeting tutorial has been fixed.
A typographical error has been corrected in the tutorial for manufacturing.
Grammatical errors have been corrected in the text of the tutorials, "Informative: market", "Informative: map and "Informative: fitting station services"
A grammatical error has been corrected on page 2 of 10 in the certificates tutorial.
The Centus Lord will now drop battleship sized loot instead of frigate size loot.
The legendary Ammatar Commander Genom Tara has spotted a typo error in his description. We have fixed it and shot those responsible for writing it!
Agents & Missions
Exception errors will no longer be generated when accepting /rejecting a first or second mission, accepting and then failing a mission or completing a mission.
Several NPC ship classes and structures have had their loot tables fixed to drop the correct items.
The mission "Mining Misappropriation" will no longer spawn ships of your own faction.
All agents throughout New Eden have been instructed to not give out the same mission again when it has been completed successfully or declined. If I didn’t want to save that Damsel 30 seconds ago, I sure don't want to save her now.
Agent Boismevier Mals is still missing despite a massive manhunt by DED. Avrues token has now been edited and will remove any mention of Boismevier. The search for this missing agent will continue in every known pleasure hub until we get our man!
The bonus reward time has been amended in the mission "Cash flow for Capsuleers (2 of 10)".
The bonus reward time has been amended in the mission "Making Mountains out of Molehills (1 of 10).
The NPC dialogue pop-up in the mission “For the honor of Rouvenor" has been changed to read Gallente instead of Amarr.
The description for the COSMOS mission "Governor's Aide 4 of 5" has been rewritten and the drop-off point has been corrected.
The correct bonus completion time has been applied to the mission "Cash flow for Capsuleers (1 of 10)".
Completing the mission arc "Cashflow for Capsuleers" will now give the intended faction standing increase.
The missing mission objective in the mission briefing for "Cash flow for Capsuleers (9 of 10)"has now been added.
The bonus time for the mission "Cash flow for Capsuleers (10 of 10)" will now be displayed correctly.
Tech 1 frigates are now permitted through the acceleration gate of the Level 2 Gallente mission "Delving into the Past (3 of 3)".
The mission briefing in both the agent offer and journal entry for "Portal to War (4 of 5)" will now display the correct mission location.
A 10 second delay has been added to the smart bomb activation time in the mission "Cash flow for Capsuleers (8 of 10).
The pathfinder gate is now named correctly in the mission "New Frontiers -Mad Scientist (2 of 7)"
A celestial beacon will no longer be broadcast to everyone in the system when accepting the mission "Foreign Investment".
The can which spawns the Apocryphon in the mission "Pilgrim - Heretics (2 of 5)" is now much more easily accessible.
The mission "Bad Bunnies" will no longer result in a standings penalty toward the Gurista Pirates.
The mission "Denial of Reconnaissance" can now be completed properly without the target NPC running away.
The missing objective, the informant, has been added to the mission "Freeing The Informant”.
The mission "A million little pieces" has had battleships added to the list of ships which cannot use the acceleration gate for entry.
The mission briefing and objectives for the mission "Are you receiving (3 of 3)" are now correct.
The correct standing gain is now applied to faction and corporation standing when completing the storyline mission "Materials for War Preparation".
Loyalty Point stores will now dynamically retrieve Loyalty points and ISK when running filters in order to properly check the default affordability of any item. This process will mean that the LP store will properly display the correct offers relevant to any player
The time bonus reward is applied correctly to the storyline mission "The Celestial Imperative (5 of 5)".
A typographical error in the mission "Unauthorized Military Presence" has been corrected.
A typographical error has been corrected in the description of "The Gallente Archaeologist - The Results (4 of 9)".
Typographical errors have been corrected in the mission briefing of "The Uprising - The Disappearance (1 of 4)"
A typographical error has been corrected in the mission briefing for "Carrying AIMEDs"
A typographical error has been corrected in the level 3 mission briefing for "Pirate Invasion".
A typographical error has been corrected in the mission offer for "Lost That Bet (3 of 5)"
A typographical error has been corrected in the mission objective of "Smuggler Interception".
A typographical error has been corrected in the mission briefing for the mission "The Uprising - Last Stand (4 of 4)".
A grammatical error has been corrected in the mission description for “Kidnappers Strike - The Secret Meeting (7 of 10)".
A grammatical error has been corrected in the mission briefing for "Encounter at Station 464"
Grammatical errors have been fixed in the mission objective for "Making Mountains out of Molehills (2 of 10)"
A grammatical error has been corrected in the "Objective Completed." message in the mission journal.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the text displayed when warping to the Reactor Factory in the COSMOS system of Nakugard.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the completion message from the agent in the mission "Mysterious Sightings (2 of 4)"
Exploration & Deadspace
The Sansha Minor Refinery now has the correct name in the Sansha Hideout site.
Dini Mator has unearthed unknown riches and the loot he drops will reflect this.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the DED database information pop up for the "Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm" complex.
Typographical errors have been fixed in the structure names of "Sansha Base" and "Provisional Sansha Outpost".
A typographical error has been corrected in the description of the com relay container in the exploration site "Crew Crash Production Facility".
Several typographical errors in prompts for the escalation path in "Blood Raider Powergrid" have been fixed.
Several grammatical errors have been corrected in the sites "Saintly Nebula", Rapture Nebula", Emerald Nebula" and "Pristine Guristas Ship Graveyard "
Science & Industry
Caldari Navy station refining yields in Tintoh and Ichoriya have been corrected.
Markets & Contracts
The Limited Expanded 'Archiver' Cargo I and the Limited Expanded 'Archiver' Cargo I Blueprint will now show when searching contracts or auto-linking to an item type in a chat window.
You no longer get the "Create Contract" option if you have items selected from more than one station or location.
HTML code can no longer be used in freeform contracts.
The "Dangerous Contract" warning is no longer generated to the person who is creating the contract.
A memory leak in the price history charts has been fixed.
A typographical error has been corrected in the message displayed under Market> Groups when the item is not available in the station, solar system or region.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the message displayed when a player tries to buy any item that is not available in the market.
Corporation & Alliance
The "No items found" message will now be displayed in the Corporation> Corporation Assets> Lockdown tab.
Corporation faction standings now update correctly client side after downtime.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the message received when proposing a vote to expel yourself from your own corporation.
The targeting process is no longer interrupted, stalled or changed by activating an offensive module and trying to target a ship which is already in the process of being targeted. Previously players would have seen the target lock seemingly aborted with a warning message displayed.
Station environments will now load properly when docking in any system. Station owners were forced to take action due to the number of personnel drifting off into space.
Moving a weapon group on top of another weapon when in grouping mode will now move the entire group to the chosen location.
Salvager icons are now displayed correctly, superfluous pixels have been removed.
Small railguns have had their models upgraded. Any sinking effect has been reduced.
The 3D graphics rendering will now work as intended. The move and view will work correctly and ships will not be drawn magnetically to the center of the screen.
Missing textures for multiple Minmatar ships including the Nagalfar, Tempest, Typhoon, Stabber and Firetail have all been added.
Several Gallente stations have had missing textures and graphics replaced.
The Amarr Factory Outpost is now displayed correctly.
The sails on many Minmatar ships have been remodelled and will display correctly at all times. Many players assumed they were just falling off due to a lack of glue, but this is not the case.
The blinking lights on ships and stations have been made larger.
Graphical anomalies including grey screens will no longer display in the client.
The Nighthawk and Vulture both display their correct textures.
User Interface
The HUD will now show the correct levels of capacitor and shields. Players will no longer see incorrect data displayed showing the capacitor or shields at empty when this is not the case.
It will no longer be possible to edit a bookmark and leave the label field blank. A warning message will now pop up stating that this field needs to be populated with information.
An information message will pop-up only once on starting a conversation with an agent.
A warning message will now be displayed when attempting to open the fitting screen or reprocessing plant while not in a ship or capsule. The message will read "You must be inside a ship or capsule in order to perform that action. Please board a ship and try again."
Copy and pasting the data available in "last clone jump" will now display correctly. Previously, it displayed a number instead of the correct time.
Using the "Remove" option on a turret or missile launcher in the fitting window while in space will now remove any charges from that module. If the turret or missile bay is not loaded with a charge a notify message will be displayed stating that the module cannot be unfitted while in space.
The tactical overlay will now display correctly when jumping through a stargate with the overlay open. The tactical overlay can be switched on and off normally.
The Amarr regional gates have had their settings adjusted and are now working properly.
An exception error will no longer be generated if the incorrect date is added in the journal window under NeoCom> Wallet> Tab 'My wallet'> Tab ‘Journal’.
Windows are working properly after being stacked, reset and unstacked. For example, merging the local chat window with the scanner window and then separating them will have no adverse affect on either window and both will function correctly.
The text for channels and mailing list windows will now fit within their parameters if the window is set to its smallest size.
Right clicking on jump drive-capable ships will now give an option for "gang cyno." The jump to tab will no longer give "no destination" as an option.
Selected items in space maintain their size when minimized or maximized. The window will now display correctly.
An exception error is no longer generated when opening the character sheet from the Neocom.
An exception error is no longer generated when broadcasting messages from broadcast window.
When you sort a scroll window using the column headers, the columns will now display correctly. For example, sorting the number of items by quantity will no longer display the list alphabetically instead.
Setting the background color now gets correctly applied and saved when selected through the "Preset" option in ESC menu> General Settings.
The turret damages of “excellent hit” and “scratching hit” will be correctly recorded and displayed in the combat log.
The user interface has been streamlined when clicking on an item in the market in order to load details faster.
Ships and Items windows will now close properly when using a keyboard shortcut.
"Launcher Hardpoints" have now been added to the compare list under variations tab > compare.
Players can now delete their own player created channels even if they are not currently present in the chat channel at the time.
It will now be possible to add extensive notes both when creating and editing a bookmark.
Selecting medals in the Decorations tab using the arrow keys will no longer generate an exception error.
The title screen displayed when patching the EVE client will no longer display "The patch could not be applied because of an error" when pressing the enter button to confirm.
An extra character in the "Propose Vote" page when running for CEO has been removed.
It is no longer possible to use the "Remove from overview" or "Add to overview" option by right clicking on a ship when using the repair shop facilities.
The search function for alliance name, alliance short name and corporation ticker will now display a notify message: "Please type in at least 1 character" when trying to search with no characters in the search field.
The "Tip of the Day" has been updated and will no longer display out of date information.
Ships will no longer display an incorrect top speed after jumping through a stargate. Previously a ship would display the maximum speed granted through the use of a microwarpdrive if that module had been active before the jump was made.
Stargates were displaying an incorrect volume of 1.0m3. The correct volume is now listed as 10000000.0 m3.
A warning message will now be shown when attempting to award a medal when no medals have been created. Previously a blank window was displayed.
The scroll bar in the log table will always be at the top upon opening.
The default warp distance when warping to another player in a fleet now works properly.
Secure audit log containers will now display properly on a directional scan if they are in space and in range.
Energy neutralizing batteries will now display properly on a directional scan if they are in space and in range.
Selecting all agents in a station or under the agents tab in the address book will now work as intended when clicking Ctrl & A
Using the left/right keyboard arrows to navigate the contract front page, agent conversations, free form contracts or group page in the market will no longer generate an error.
Saved overview tabs will now display in the correct alphabetical order.
Fleet windows will now update properly when players are added or removed from any position.
Clicking "Ok" on the load template window when creating a freeform contract will now default to the last template used if an incorrect choice is made and will also no longer generate an exception error.
Changing wallet division through change division or set as active wallet does not open Welcome page again.
Changing ship after previously assuming control of a starbase module will no longer display an incorrect fitting or maximum velocity. The correct slot layout, configuration and maximum speed will be displayed correctly.
Show info is now available in all appropriate instances. Previously there was no show info option on things like show info on self in space, show info on fleet panel, certain show info in S&I>Corp Blueprints, certain show info in Character Sheet and certain show info in Corporation tabs.
Broadcasted target indicators (F1, F2 etc) on the overview will no longer vanish when the overview is updated. Previously the indicators would vanish when a new item appeared on the overview i.e. a wreck or a capsule from an exploding ship.
Certificates in a tree view will now display correctly and highlight appropriately while scrolling through a list of certificates.
Using shift + left mouse button to select a group of items or ships from your hangar or cargo hold will now highlight the correct amount of items. Previously some additional items were added erroneously.
Black Ops Battleships now have a "Bridge to Member" option when a jump beacon is broadcast in the fleet.
The ship status indicator of Black Ops battleships will now list gang members with open cynosural fields and then Alliance beacons for "jump to" points. A list of all known gang beacons will also be displayed.
Opening the mission journal and reading the details of a rookie mission will no longer generate an exception error
An exception is no longer generated in the logserver when checking the cross/uncross option available under the solar system map tab in world map control panel window.
An exception error is no longer generated in the logserver when clicking anywhere on the world map control panel.
Fitting stacked modules from corp hangar no longer prompts a locking warning when the fitting is already in progress.
Clicking on a link to a secure container which does not belong to you will no longer display the option "Set New Password"
A display issue has been fixed in Certificates tutorial.
UI stays hidden after jumping when "Hide Windows"(Ctrl + Tab) is enabled.
Entering the game with the global criminal tag will not cause an exception in the log server.
Dragging and dropping charges from modules to the cargo hold icon now works as intended.
Only the charge is removed when removed from a module in the fitting window in space. The module icon does not appear when the charge is dragged.
A notify message will now appear when attempting to remove modules in space saying that this action is not permitted.
CEO edits of corp titles will now work as intended, overlapping text has been removed.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the info message which pops up on modifying a sell or buy order within 5 min of creation.
A grammatical error has been corrected in "Login Data Incorrect “on the login screen.
Several grammatical errors have been corrected on the Militia Welcome Page.
A typographical error in the Otitoh COSMOS mission item "ancient treasure map" has been fixed.
A typographical error in the description of the "Cord of Elements” landmark has been fixed.
Grammatical errors have been fixed in the description of the certificates "Cartographer - Basic" and "Gallente military special forces -Elite" descriptions.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the message displayed when a player has insufficient ISK for repairs at the repair facility or when trying to insure a ship with insufficient funds.
A missing full stop has been added to the end of the sentence in the pop up message when trying to create a freeform contract publicly.
A typographical error has been fixed in the undo recycle request window for character termination.
A typographical error has been corrected in the message displayed while attempting to manufacture without sufficient funds in both personal and corporate wallets.
A typographical error has been corrected in the attributes tab in the show info window of Tech 1 and Tech 2 mining crystals.
A typographical error has been fixed in the message displayed when dragging your own character into the "Blocked" tab in people and places. Blocking yourself is serious business.
A typographical error has been corrected in the description of the Disfunctional Solar Harvester.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the notify message displayed when trying to search from people & places window without entering any character in the 'search string' field.
EVE Voice, Mail & Chat
Sending chat messages during periods of heavy load will no longer result in extra carriage returns. All text and chat will be displayed normally.
The automatic email sent out when an Alliance adopts a war declaration has been modified with the number of hours until it becomes active.
A technical error has been fixed which prevents chat channels with large populations from freezing up.
Corporation emails no longer get deleted when reopening or switching tabs. All Corporation mails will behave normally.
Players will no longer observe an error being generated when joining EVE Voice as a squad member in a fleet.
Players will no longer observe an exception error when multiple people leave fleet in EVE Voice.
We have extended the built-in channel names list to include Alliance channels.
The "Reply" and "Delete Message" buttons on any EVE mail will no longer lose transparency when the pinned EVE mail window is closed and reopened.
The in game chat channel for EVE Radio is now labelled correctly in the channel listing.
Attempting to delete a joined system channel i.e. local or Corp chat will no longer generate an exception error.
Chat channels will no longer become blank when clicking the scrollbar while the channel is opening up. Previously, the client would populate a blank window which could eventually crash the client.
Characters blocked from the buddy list remain blocked after a relog of the client.
Right clicking and removing users from the allowed or blocked lists of in game chat channels now works as intended.
Vertical text in chat edit boxes has been fixed. All text will be horizontal.
Delaying entering a password for a chat channel will no longer causes errors in the log or problems loading chat channels.
Selecting all characters in an EVE Mail search and then trying to add all into the recipient part of the mail will no longer cause an exception in the log server.
Grammatical errors have been corrected in the mail text received for corporate bills.
A grammatical error has been fixed in the information message which pops up when attempting to send a blank EVE Mail.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the pop-up window displayed when editing the name of the channel to an already existing channel name.
A grammatical error has been corrected in the SCC mail received for insurance payout.
Several grammatical errors have been corrected in the EVE mail received from the tutorial agent upon entering the game for the first time.
A typographical error in the info message when agreeing to join an in-game channel has been fixed.
A typographical error has been fixed in the pop-up message when editing the name of the channel to an already existing name.
A typographical error has been fixed on the pop-up window if an incorrect password is entered three times when attempting to join a chat channel.
CONCORD & Killmails
Killmails that were displaying inaccurate information when an NPC laid the final blow have been fixed. If an NPC dealt the final blow. The client will go through the players that dealt damage, in decreasing order by damage dealt. The highest damaging player remaining in space in the solar system will be awarded the killing blow. In the event that no players match this criterion then the final blow will be given to the NPC.
You no longer get a global flag for shooting your own can while in NPC corp.
Tabbing in and out of the client on the Mac will no longer cause excessive memory increase leading to a crash.
Localized Clients
The text for the certificate "Mining Foreman" has been translated in the German client.
Factional warfare ranks and descriptions will now display correctly in the German client.
The warning displayed when trying to anchor a structure at a starbase when another structure is in the process of anchoring has been translated correctly in the German client.
The default name for an outpost has been translated correctly in German.
The correct text will be displayed when announcing the available number of public contracts you can create in the contracts window.
The notify message displayed when attempting to send more than one EVE mail per minute on a trial account has been translated correctly in German.
Text will no longer be clipped in the "Character sheet advanced information" tutorial in Korean or Portuguese.
The overlapping text on Character Creation in the Russian client has been fixed.
The correct text will be displayed in localized clients when accessing open and closed blueprint votes and viewing sanctionable actions in effect and not in effect.
The correct text will be displayed in localized clients when accessing open and closed blueprint votes and viewing sanctionable actions in effect and not in effect.
A typographical error in the German translation of activation timers has been corrected.
The shortcut option to open the journal in the German client has been renamed to “Logbuch öffnen.”
The Liquid Cooled Electronics 1 Blueprint in the German client will now display correctly.
The industrial command ship skill description in the German client is now in English, like all other skills.
The global criminal notification messages displayed when trying to dock or jump have been translated correctly in the German client.
The German translation of tracking computers, tracking links and tracking enhancers has been corrected.
Various localization issues have been fixed surrounding the usage of plurals and the location of objects in non-English languages.
"Je Skillstufe" has been added into the German description for most battlecruisers (Cyclone, Drake, Harbinger and Hurricane.)
EVE API and Static Data Dump
The Imperial Special Ops Field Enhancer - Standard has been added to the charactersheet.xml
NPC Corporation descriptions will be added to the crpNPCCorporations table of the static data dump.
Accessing CertificateTree.xml.aspx will now return the cachedUntil value to its proper place, the root value.
All corporation public information is now accessible in the CorporationSheet API now. An error that occurred if the corp was not in an alliance has been resolved.
Several GM Tools have been fixed in order for our Customer Support Team to help you much more easily.
Responding or updating a petition on the web interface after sending a mail to will now update successfully. You will no longer receive a failed message on the webpage
Several grammatical errors have been corrected in the knowledge base article, "Video card information for EVE".
The correct requirements are now displayed for the certificate Common Ore Refiner – Standard
Cancelling a trade window will no longer generate an error when the other player has the "Offer Money" box open.
Hyperlinks will now display correctly when hovering the mouse over a link in the notepad. This applies to both notes that have just been written and those that are saved and re-opened.
Notes will now save correctly in the notepad when using the Ctrl+W option to close and save.
The correct description has been added to the asteroids Arkanor, Bistot, Dark Ochre, Kernite, Scordite and Veldspar.
The character sheet will now update in real time when a medal is awarded.
The Knowledge base link in the in-game browser will now display the page correctly.
An exception error in the log server is no longer generated when docking with the corporate hangar open.
Right clicking on the "view log" window title no longer throws an exception in the log server
An exception error is no longer generated when clicking on the "Need Backup" broadcast when members of your fleet are in another solar system.
Clicking on // will now lead to the correct news page.
A typographical error has been fixed when creating a petition in game.
The "View Awardees" tab in the decorations window has been adjusted in size and is no longer cut off.
Attempting to destroy a jump clone when the pilot is not in a ship or capsule will now display a message stating "You must be inside a ship or capsule in order to perform that action."
Reprocessing a fitted ship will now unload all modules and charges directly into the players hangar.
Changes have been made to the collision mechanics in the physics simulation. Massive objects will be less affected when bumped by smaller objects.
Control bunkers will now load correctly in Faction Warfare and agents will now hand out missions correctly without an error occurring.
When manually installing the client no additional folder is created in the root directory you are installing to.
Several exploit issues have been fixed, making EVE a better world to live in for us all.
Deployed Tuesday 17 March 2009
Fixed a rare issue in skill training that could cause characters to become stuck.
Resolved an issue that was generating high levels of lag.
Resolved an issue in the attribute remap process that would make it appear as though the change had been reverted.
We have updated the client bulkdata to resolve an issue that was causing players to get stuck at downloading while attempting to log on to Tranquility.
Upgraded Amarr outposts received too many manufacturing lines during the Apocrypha upgrade. the additional slots have now been removed.
Fixed the logged skill completion time as it was recording your login time, not the actual completion time.
Updated the distribution logic for wormholes as some systems were not receiving them.